How To Get Clarity On Who You Want To Have Discovery Calls With (Even If You’re Frustrated)
Isn’t it frustrating to find yourself in the middle of a sales conversation and realize that the potential client isn’t a fit?
She’s simply not your perfect client. She’s not your ideal customer.
You’ve put in so much time doing marketing, social media posting, joining Zoom networking groups, and going to in-person networking events to get to this sales conversation, right?
She’s likely a great person—but she’s not your perfect-fit client.
You can tell based on her questions and attitude. Maybe she’s spending too much time talking about how great things are going. Maybe she’s living in the past. Or she won’t be candid about the challenges she’s facing now.
Create Client-Attracting Content
Stop spinning your wheels about the best content to create, so you can bring in clients. Get this guide and follow my simple 5-step Client Clarity System to create content your future dream clients search for.
That way, you can foster meaningful connections and pack your calendar with clients who love your work.
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It could be a number of reasons.
But here’s what it boils down to for you…
She’s not motivated to make a change. She’s not ready to invest in herself. She’s not prepared to invest in your services.
It’s not her time to do the work to achieve the transformations your services provide.
If you’ve ended up in this situation too often lately, you’re not alone! It’s not about you. It’s about her. She is not ready to take charge of her current situation.
We’ve all been there.
It’s time to refine who you want to work with. Clarify exactly who is the person you serve best!
5 Reasons to Create a Plan to Attract More Clients (Entrepreneurs, Life Coaches, Consultants)
That way, you’ll attract more of your people. Your tribe. Those motivated action-takers who get great results from working with you.
And who tell others just like them about you!
3 tips to guide you out of ‘wrong-fit prospect prison’!
#1) Set a firm foundation for your marketing and sales
Refresh your written description of your perfect client. Or write it down if you’re keeping your perfect customer ideas in your head.
Your ideal client is a motivated, collaborative kind of person who gets fabulous results from working with you. She implements your guidance, teaching or coaching. She’s positive. She wants help.
She’s ready to do whatever it takes to get to where she wants to go…and she knows you’re the one to help her!
Here are some reasons why it’s worth your time to create (and update) the profile of your perfect client:
- You’ll have her problems, emotions and priorities top of mind when networking
- When meeting with referral partners, you can easily describe your ideal clients
- You will clearly understand where she is today and where she wants to go
- You can remind her of that destination in all your conversations and content
John Lee Dumas, creator of the wildly successful Entrepreneur on Fire Podcast among other accolades, calls his perfect customer, his ‘avatar’. Here is an explanation on his blog about the purpose of your perfect client definition:
“Your business will exist to help solve the pain points and fill the informational void your avatar is currently experiencing, and the resources and strategies you share will get them from where they are now, to where they want to be.”
#2) Use your customers’ own words so you can do this
Replay your biggest client success story. Pull out the exact words and phrases she used to describe the results she got from working with you.
When you invest time to capture your dream clients’ own words, you can use them in your marketing, conversations, and content.
#3) Review your perfect client description when creating content
Pull a picture of someone who represents your perfect client. Keep it close by along with your perfect customer description. Imagine you are speaking directly to her when you do videos, blogs, articles, social media or any other kind of marketing content.
My hope for you is to end up in fewer sales conversations, free consults, or discovery sessions with wrong-fit people.
You’re doing great work in the world. You deserve to work with customers who fulfill you! Not the kinds of clients who drain you!
For my best insights and actions you can take to get in front of (even) more of your perfect clients, click here to join my list.
What if you could finally create content consistently?
If creating your marketing content has felt like a chore, a time-suck, or a massive mystery, you may have given up on content entirely.
But the truth is:
Content is key to attracting ideal clients and filling your programs. So don’t give up!
If your content ideas are buried in your beautiful brain, you want a process to help your words flow.
You want specific actions to implement so that the content you create stands out to your dream clients.
When you schedule a free Clarity Call, together, we’ll uncover your personalized marketing content actions. That way you can impact more clients. Click below to set up your FREE Clarity Call.