There’s a lot to celebrate in recent stats about women-owned businesses. Since 2007, women-owned businesses have grown a whopping 68%! Compared to only 47% for all businesses.
On job creation: American Express Open reported in its 2015 State of Women Owned Businesses that WOB are the only “bright spot in recent years”. We’ve added about 340,000 jobs since 2007. Employment among men-owned businesses has dropped.
Happy dance! Go women, right? Here’s the not-so-fast part…
Most women biz owners aren’t earning their value—not by a long shot.
According to The Institute of Women’s Policy Research’s Jessica Milli, “…women-owned businesses make only about 25 cents for every dollar their male counterparts earn.”
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Cynthia Trevino is a marketing coach who teaches women entrepreneurs how to create content that makes their clients say, “Wow, I need to hire you!”
She demystifies marketing content so you can attract dream clients (without feeling salesy). Cynthia is the author of Amazon #1 Bestseller, 'She Markets: A Guide for Women Entrepreneurs'.
When not teaching, speaking or coaching, Cynthia searches for the perfect pasta + Syrah pairing with her husband Jim and their playful Shih Tzu, Bentley.
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