4 Reasons Not to Agonize When You Don’t Make Perfect Marketing Content

Do you find yourself agonizing over how to create perfect marketing content?
After all, your intention is to provide value to your ideal client audience, right?
You want to craft marketing content that’s authentic to you and your message so you can attract the clients you deserve. You’re not alone.
The reality:
Perfection is a myth.
Perfect marketing content doesn’t exist; it’s time for us to conquer our perfectionism.
Sadly, the pursuit of perfection is alive and well. Women life coaches and business owners, tend to agonize when they don’t feel as though they’ve created perfect marketing content.
If we aren’t vigilant, fearing a piece of content isn’t perfect can slow down our creation work. It can, and often does, prevent us from *showing up* online with our content. That means we aren’t being visible and present for future clients who need our services.
The Myth of Perfect Content in Life and in Coaching
In Daring Greatly, Brene Brown encourages us to accept and present our imperfect selves to the world:
“Because true belonging only happens when we present our authentic, imperfect selves to the world, our sense of belonging can never be greater than our level of self-acceptance.”
~ Brene Brown, daring greatly
I love having conversations with women on all the marketing, content-ish things they do (want to do), so that they can connect with dream clients. Because of these meaty conversations, I’ve heard about feelings that the content they create doesn’t feel like it’s perfect or even good enough.
I also love reading novels by the esteemed author Ann Patchett…more on that later.
Back to the meaty convos: When the topic of putting content “out there” comes up, it breaks my heart when new coaches say…
I’m afraid of: sending an email to my list…sharing my message…
… of publishing my blog post to “the masses”.
These caring entrepreneurs go on to explain how the inner critic, perfectionism (and it’s cousin self-doubt) combine to gum up their content creation efforts:
How do I know if my content is good enough to post?
I’m not confident about what is going to be valuable to my people.
I don’t know where to even start with content.
I don’t create content because I’m not sure what to talk about.
Can you relate to these feelings that show up like perfectionist syndrome?
I can relate 100%. That’s where I was when I started out.
True confession of a recovering perfectionist
As a content writer posting online, who also coaches other women for a living, I used to struggle with my inner mean girl.
She said to me,
- Are you kidding…this is what you’re going to post?
- You don’t write as well as [insert great blogger’s name].
- Shouldn’t you spend another day/week/month perfecting this article?
In the past, my inner mean girl has caused me to agonize over every sentence I wrote. Before I learned to manage it, my fear of not writing perfect marketing content, blog posts or emails, resulted in lots of procrastination.
The way I got over my zeal to create perfect content?
I realized that:
I hope your inner mean girl is kinder. In case she’s not, here are 4 practical reminders about how to forgive yourself for not creating what you think is, perfect marketing content.

Step #1 to Create Content That Converts: Start with Your Ideal Client
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4 Anti-Perfection Growth Mindset Reminders
#1) Your marketing, your content isn’t about you
Getting a handle on who is the focus of our content and marketing, is a ginormous hurdle. It’s a barrier for both new and seasoned coaches and business owners.
In the beginning of starting a business, we’re super excited. We’ve created services, packages, and launched the first version of our website. And it seems that our clients are going to be as thrilled with our brand new set of services as we are.
As a result, I get a boatload of emails landing in my inbox saying just that…
”We’re happy to announce the launch of our brand new ABC Company. We offer blah, blah, and blah services. Go here to set up a call with us.”
Here’s the problem with this approach: ABC Executive Coaching has done zero to “give first”.
They have not made an effort to build a relationship with me. Heck, many times I don’t know them and haven’t even opted in their list! (Thank you, LinkedIn and various email address scraping services.)
The newbie coach at ABC Leadership Coaching hasn’t shared a link to a helpful blog post. She’s missed the opportunity to share valuable tidbits I may not know about Leadership Coaching in the time of remote vs. in person work.
ABC Leadership Coaching has not provided any content that makes me inclined to be interested in who they are. Why am I not inclined to learn about them? Because all they’ve done is ANNOUNCE their new business.
How about sharing relationship-building with meaty content? Nope. Not a word.
I know you won’t be that newbie business owner. Because you believe, like me, that…
Creating and sharing your valuable, educational marketing content is about being of service to your future clients.
The giant bonus to creating content to be of service: your inner perfectionist isn’t going to be chattering in your ear so much.
If it helps, put a sticky note on your computer: “My content is in service of my future clients.”
Is your content helping you build relationships?
The purpose of content you create (and publish online) is to help you connect with potential clients who want and need your services. That means you don’t need to create the perfect content piece, you only have to:
- Talk about your dream clients’ urgent problems or biggest dreams.
- Offer baby-step solutions.
- Come from your heart, your gut.
- Share your unique viewpoint, experience, expertise.
- Give insights about what it would be like to work with you.
- Serve as a relationship-building bridge with future clients.
Notice, the list doesn’t include creating a piece of perfect content!
#2) Your marketing content isn’t for ‘everybody’
It’s not even for ‘everyone with the problems you help solve’.
Your marketing content is meant for your ideal, dream clients. You create for the clients you know you can help. The ones you most want to serve.
Plenty of folks have the problems you’re expert at helping solve, but they don’t all fit your dream client description, right?!
You’re not writing marketing content that’s designed for an NFL-stadium-size crowd.
- You’re writing to ‘The One‘. Your one dream client.
- Picture her face as you create. You’ll improve your skills for creating the specific content that resonates for her.
- You can get freaking close to what-passes-for-perfect when you focus on writing to one person. I promise you.
Related: If you want more about writing to The One, here’s a popular post about creating content that aligns with your dream clients’ needs.
#3) While your content doesn’t have to be perfect…it must represent you
Instead of going for perfection, when you create marketing content, give the first draft your best shot.
Now, put it away overnight. Then, review it. If your inner mean girl (perfectionist) starts talking to you, ask yourself:
> > > Does this content say what I’d say if my dream client was sitting next to me?
> > > Did I say what’s true from my experience and knowledge?
> > > Is this content piece generous?
> > > Does it help my future client take a baby-step toward solving her long-standing problem?
Finally, check your work for typos and grammar.
You know the drill. Publish it. Post it on your website. Hit send in your email system.
Lastly, share snippets of it on social media (with links to your website).
After all, you’re in business to change your clients’ lives, right? So you want to get yourself (your content) out there where future clients can find you.
#4) Forgive yourself for not creating perfect marketing content
And while you’re at it, no matter what you’re doing, always forgive yourself for not being perfect.
No question, we live in a content-hungry world. Your ideal clients are scrolling, searching, hunting for life lessons and strategies to help them resolve their struggles.
As a life coach on a quest to create a flawless piece of content and bring in clients, you have a lot in common with book authors. So, let’s tap into beloved author Ann Patchett’s excellent insights.
She’s written amazing, NY Times bestselling novels like Bel Canto, The Dutch House, and more.
This excerpt is from Patchett’s collection of engrossing essays, This is the Story of a Happy Marriage.
Patchett talks about how when writing a story, she has a “beautiful thing in her imagination” but when she puts it down on paper, it’s not how she envisioned it. It’s like she ‘killed it’ somehow.
On page 29, she continues,
“Forgiveness, therefore, is key.
Ann Patchett, NY Times bestselling author,
I can’t write the book I want to write, but I can and I will write the book I am capable of writing.
Again and again throughout the course of my life I will forgive myself.”
This Is The Story Of A Happy Marriage, The Dutch HOuse, Tom Lake
Thank you Ann Patchett!
Here’s why Patchett’s words spoke to me…
I can’t write the gorgeous, insightful, perfect blog post I dreamed of. Or email, webpage, or lead magnet.
What I can do, and will do, is create the blog post I’m capable of creating.
Because even if it’s not perfect, I can still serve you, my community, when I share a piece of marketing content that’s not perfect.
And I will forgive myself. Will you?
So that you can forgive yourself (faster) when you’re in content creation mode, choose at least two of these reasons to let go of perfectionism that resonate with you.
Put them on sticky notes, gosh I love sticky notes, don’t you? Add them to your journal or phone to remind yourself that it’s 100% acceptable to create (and post online!) marketing content that ISN’T perfect.
Above all, you can continue to give first, by sharing valuable, authentically-you ideas in your marketing content. All so you can make client connections online and beyond.
Next, you can do what Ann Patchett does. You can forgive yourself for creating the content you’re capable of creating at this moment.
How about it? Will you create you own unique content, post it on your website, share it with potential clients, and forgive yourself?

What if you could finally create content consistently?
If creating your marketing content has felt like a chore, a time-suck, or a massive mystery, you may have given up on content entirely.
But the truth is:
Content is key to attracting ideal clients and filling your programs. So don’t give up!
If your content ideas are buried in your beautiful brain, you want a process to help your words flow.
You want specific actions to implement so that the content you create stands out to your dream clients.
When you schedule a free Clarity Call, together, we’ll uncover your personalized marketing content actions. That way you can impact more clients. Click below to set up your FREE Clarity Call.