How to Create Web Content Aligned with Your Ideal Clients’ Needs (7 Proven Tactics)
What if you could create web content that connects you with the exact clients you love serving?
Content that builds the know, like, and trust factor with web visitors, from the moment they land on your homepage?
When dream clients click to your homepage, you want your message to align with their needs, right? In fact, you want each page of your site content to resonate with the feelings, the issues that brought your visitor to your site.
Here’s the thing, you know you can make a giant difference in the lives of the clients you want to serve, right? Yes, so you want to pour your heart into your website content.
Your website is your *stand-in* for when a future client who doesn’t know you yet finds it. It’s your voice, your brand, your online trust-building home base.
The words you choose to use on your webpages can be your best tool to engage her when she’s scanning the page to see what you offer…
She’s asking herself, “Can this coach help me?”
What would you say if you were sitting across the table from her?
And yet, do you struggle with what to say in your content, so you can answer the biggest questions dream clients are asking themselves as they click to your homepage?
You’re in the right place because I have awesome tactics you can use right away. First to shift your mindset around creating web content that your clients are looking for.
Next, I’m giving you specific actions that you can adopt to get yourself on the path to writing content that answers your audience’s burning questions.
Shall we dig in?
7 Tactics: Create Web Content Aligned with Your Clients’ Needs
Tactic #1) Write content as though your client is sitting with you
Be the expert who speaks directly to her dream clients in your web content.
It turns out, you only need to be absolutely yourself.
How? Use the exact words in your content that you’d use if you were sitting across the table, talking to your ideal client.
For the record, there are only two kinds of clients who have the problems you solve out there searching for help…
- Your dream clients (the humans you create content for)
- Everybody else
When it comes to creating compelling web content, shift your mindset. Resolve to focus solely on the places your dream clients are struggling. It sounds simple, but arguably, not always easy.
To standout to your audience, write blogs and webpages that are gut-wrenchingly honest about the precise problems your dream clients hire you to help them solve.
You create website messages, articles, services descriptions, program outlines, freebies, and blog posts that speak directly to your dream client.
Especially your homepage message, because that’s how your client gets to know you when she looks you up. It’s your dream client’s first impression. When a mutual friend sends her your website, you want her to find the warm, empathetic coach that you are in person, don’t you?
One of the toughest challenges in making the mindset shift to focus on the *one* dream client that I see is this: as a caring, savvy woman in business, you want to be inclusive. I get it. I was sure there when I began as a marketing coach.
Maybe, like me in the beginning of my business, you want to help everyone. You want to serve every woman who has the problems you coach about. But, you don’t have to!
Whew, isn’t it a relief that you don’t need to talk to *everybody* who has the problems you help solve? You only need to talk to your dream clients in your content.
Tactic #2) Share your clients’ success stories in web content
Your (anonymous) short stories make it easier for dream clients who don’t know you yet, to build trust in your expertise.
Because the language you use, the stories you tell, the lessons you share—help website visitors understand that you’re the coach for them.
They’re more likely to be inspired to read your Services page, scroll through your blogs, and then set up a discovery session with you.
Why? All because you made the effort to write content that aligns with the changes your dream clients are struggling to make.
Let’s talk more about how you can show up as your wonderful warm caring self on your website, shall we?
Tactic #3) Describe your personal journey in web content
Whether your website needs updating, or you’re writing for your first site, set an intention for what your website message and content will say to visitors.
In order to focus your web content, shift your mindset to where your ideal clients are stuck today. Like so:
- Add to, or retell the story you’ve written about your dream clients’ current situation
- Include these in their story: their motivations, dreams, desires, and values
- Identify what sets your dream client apart from everyone else (who has the problems you solve)
- Document how you know they’re motivated to make the changes your programs enable
Pro tip: Document new learnings about your ideal clients. Update your perfect client backstory after each successful client project or group program.
Now that you have an up-to-date handle on your dream clients’ situation, let’s keep going.
Tactic #4) Track clients’ issues with voice of customer research
What do you think when you hear, “voice of customer research”? Sounds like a big, complex project for a giant company, right?
Lots of solopreneurs think that.
Truth is VoC is a powerful practice to help you understand what problems/dreams are most urgent to your ideal client avatar. You can conduct VoC research in simple, cost-effective ways:
- Send a survey to your email list
- Ask questions during client discovery calls
- Analyze your notes from all types of client communication
Maintain a list of your dream clients’ urgent, long-standing problems. Track their pain points and barriers.
Review and reflect about your recent client and prospect interactions. That way, you can discover shifts in their struggles.
- What have you learned about your clients’ struggles in the last few months?
- Have you noticed new issues that are shifting for them?
- What kinds of new problems are cropping up, that they’re grappling with today?
- What have they already tried to solve their problems—that didn’t work?
I promise you, it is that straightforward.
When you stay on top of your dream clients’ giant pain points, you can create content relevant to their needs with ease.
Content sharing baby steps they can take to become the better version of themselves they want to be. Content that gives them hope.
Later, you’ll thank yourself for keeping a clear view of your dream clients’ top, urgent problems.
In this post you can learn from Marie’s story about how to better understand your dream clients.
Help your dream clients feel confident about getting unstuck when they read your web content
You want to be the coach who shares inspiration, examples of others who’ve solved their problems. That way, you give your web content readers confidence about finding help.
How do you do this? Glad you asked!
You want to give your clients hope that they can overcome the barriers in front of them. Write messages that give them a glimpse of what’s waiting for them, after they work with you. Share with your web visitors their possibilities, because helping them see the better version of themselves is so uplifting.
Stop spinning your wheels about the best content to create, so you can bring in clients. Get this guide and follow my simple 5-step Client Clarity System to create content your future dream clients search for. That way, you can foster meaningful connections and pack your calendar with clients who love your work. By signing up, you agree to this website’s privacy policy and terms and conditions. We promise we won’t send you spam. You’re welcome to unsubscribe at any time. Create Client-Attracting Content
Tactic #5) Write to “The One”
This web content tactic is a tried-and-true copywriting rule: Write each content piece to one person.
Your one ideal, perfect client.
Start with clarity—knowing who you’re talking to is the North Star that guides every piece of content you create.
When drafting the article, imagine you’re sitting down over coffee with your ideal client. You’d take time, ask questions to understand the nuances of their daily struggles and aspirations, right?
It’s never just about writing content; it’s about crafting messages that feel like they’re speaking directly to someone’s soul.
It’s about addressing their specific needs and dreams in content, because you know them so well.
Tactic #6) Before you look at your web content, do this
Refer back to your brain dump of your dream clients’ most pressing problems. (See Tip #4 from above.)
With fresh eyes, read through your website. In most of your web content, are you talking specifically about what’s on your dream clients’ mind? Putting yourself in your clients’ shoes, check these pages:
- Services page
- About page
- Contact me page
- Blog posts
- Home page
Review your web content, asking yourself these questions:
- Does your dream client’s urgent problem jump out at her when she lands on your homepage?
- Do you coach women struggling with major life transitions like divorce, loss, or financial hardships? Make your content clear that you understand their struggle.
- Can she see herself on your site? Without having to scroll down the page?
- Does she think, Wow, this life coach gets me!
- In addition to describing your packages, does your Services Page talk also about her top concerns?
- Can she see her problems jump off the page, at a quick glance?
- How recent is your last blog post? Podcast episode?
Tactic #7) To create compelling web content, you need a plan
You must have a content plan, even if you don’t know what it is. The reality is, what doesn’t get written down, calendared, and followed up on—doesn’t get done.
Your content plan can be in any format that works for you. Google doc, spreadsheet, Word document, project plan app like Trello. All that matters is that you have a planning tool that supports your work style.
Next, what blog posts can you create that align with the issues your dream clients are struggling with in this moment?
Jot down 5-10 draft topic headlines that will jump out to your readers because they’re specific to what she’s searching for today.
Here’s my blog post with a content plan example you can adopt.
From one of your blog posts, as an example, you can pull 15 or more social media posts!
Please don’t be the life coach who puts her head in the sand about choosing the right words for your web content and message.
Here’s the best part about creating website content that aligns with your dream clients’ needs–now you have content to share on social!
The time you’ve invested in coming up with topics that dream clients are interested in really pays off now. Here’s how:
- Don’t wake up another morning thinking, “What do I post about on social media today?!”
- Choose small sections of your webpages or blog posts that work as *standalone* content
- Make these sections into “snippets”
- Share these snippets of website content on social media sites your clients spend time on
Avoid the mistake of sitting on the sidelines, not showing up, and not sharing your experiences. The insights that you’ve gained from helping past clients, practice clients, or family members–are interesting to the people who want the transformations you offer.
To get started, ask yourself…
- Which dream client problems do you need to create content for?
- What are their problems that aren’t currently discussed on your site?
According to experts, the most visited pages on your site are your: About Page, Services Page and if you’re a speaker, your Speaker Page. Check these pages out first.
What if you could finally create content consistently?
If creating your marketing content has felt like a chore, a time-suck, or a massive mystery, you may have given up on content entirely.
But the truth is:
Content is key to attracting ideal clients and filling your programs. So don’t give up!
If your content ideas are buried in your beautiful brain, you want a process to help your words flow.
You want specific actions to implement so that the content you create stands out to your dream clients.
When you schedule a free Clarity Call, together, we’ll uncover your personalized marketing content actions. That way you can impact more clients. Click below to set up your FREE Clarity Call.