Women Solopreneurs: How to Create Content Regularly (So You Build Trust with Clients)

Raise your hand if you’d like to create content regularly with ease.
Without the self-doubt, overwhelm, or agonizing about making it perfect.
And you want your content to be so spot-on, it makes future clients stop scanning, read your post, and think: “hum, gotta know more about her!”
I’m right there with you. We all feel like that. Because of the unending social media tsunami, our audiences are inundated with content. It’s easy to view creating content regularly as an uphill battle.
Here’s the reality, your aim is to write incredible content that resonates with one group of humans: your dream clients. Not everyone who’s on Instagram, LinkedIn, or Facebook.
Not even everyone who has the types of problems you help solve. Nope. Your mission is to garner the attention of the folks who fit your dream client description. And those who self-select to join your world, even though they may not be your ideal clients (which is perfectly fine).
Back to how to better create content regularly, as a life coach, business owner, or expert so you can show up like clockwork for your audience of amazing future clients.
Women business owners, like you, who are great at what they do, often struggle with also being ‘content creators’.
They say, ”Cynthia, it’s daunting to have to create a blog or video every week (even every two weeks). And don’t get me started with what to post on social–sometimes I avoid showing up on social because I’m not consistent with my content .”
If that’s you, you’re not alone and you’re gonna love today’s post.
I’m sharing how you can put your content creation actions on a regular schedule, so you can show up for your audience with content your clients are interested in. And, so you can show up consistently!
First, here’s why being consistent, sharing your expertise and your knowledge with your current and future clients, is so incredibly important.
As you know, sharing valuable information on your blog, your video show or podcast, is how you build trust with your audience. Especially with the folks who haven’t met you / haven’t heard about you yet.
When you think about it, one of the big struggles as a solopreneur offering services, is how to standout in a sea of sameness, right?
“How do I stand out in my industry?” is a good question to ask yourself.
The slight twist is this: wrap your head around who exactly you want to standout to.
Better still, the next BEST question to ask yourself is, “Who do I want to bring into my business, and how can I stand out to them?”
It’s smart to work on standing out because you want to fill your business with coaching clients who are interested in what you do, don’t you? After all, these are you dream, perfect clients. When you think about how to stand out online or offline, only picture your ideal clients.
Here’s the deal: You want dream clients to find you. So, posting your ‘how-to’ lessons, stories, insights, and experiences in a way that educates them is what being a content creator is all about.
It’s about crafting client-worthy content. That is, content that piques the interest of those who are interested in what you have to offer.
If you’d like help achieving your content goals, so you can bring in more clients, let’s talk. You can set up a time here.
Consistency counts
You want to show up consistently for your people.
What’s the pitfall if you don’t show up regularly for your list subscribers, blog readers, podcast listeners, video show fans? Hum, they’ll move on for starters.
- Remember, when you create and share content , you’re deepening relationships with your audience.
- When you show up—by sharing educational content weekly—you’re building that all-important trust. And trust leads to good relationships.
- That way, when you’re ready to offer a new program, product or service, your list and your followers are going to be open to hearing about it.
- That my friend, is why it’s uber important for you to keep promises, show up consistently, and share your wonderful one-of-a-kind content.
Showing up on the regular, takes commitment. I know you’ve got that! So let’s dive into how you can set your creative-self up for content posting success, shall we?
11 Ways to create content regularly—your way
1.) Love planning your content topics
Maybe you’re a free spirit when you think about wrapping your head around creating content. When it comes to content topics, you might think, “I’ll just see what strikes my fancy, on content creation day.”
Now, my friend, I can tell you— I’ve already tried that.
Sitting down in front of your computer, opening a Google doc, and waiting for inspiration, may work once or twice.
In my experience, the ‘on-demand inspiration gods’ can be elusive.
When I first started blogging, I found myself super frustrated when I needed to write a post, and couldn’t come up anything to talk about.
If planning your content subjects seems like overkill, think of it this way:
As we’ve said, content is how you share your knowledge, insights, ideas, experience, in other words— your best stuff—with your dream clients. And everyone else in your audience.
After all, when you have a scheduled meeting with a current or prospective client, you prepare, don’t you?
Of course you do! You’re a purpose-driven woman who started your business so you can have a positive impact on the clients you want to serve. After all, a meeting or a call is an interaction with your client or future client.
But stay with me: think of the content you create as a ‘virtual’ mini-meeting with potential clients—so you want to be prepared. Can you really afford not to?
When you’re creating content (or having in person conversations) you want to discuss the precise issues, pain points + challenges your ideal clients are grappling with right now.
2.) Choose a calendar just for your content planning
If you’re an office supplies-junkie like me, you’ll understand this:
Don’t you find you’re newly inspired when you have a fresh, binder, journal, spiral notebook, or planner to write in? I know, right?
Are you a Target fan like me? Love their office supplies. See pic below of the planner-treasures I’ve found while on errands for life’s basics such as: dog toy for Bentley who chews everything as quickly as his 22-month-old teeth will allow, toothpaste, Kind cereal for Jim, bright green liquid hand soap, and more.
(My Target trips are usually after a workout at my nearby fitness center, so I can get in more steps on my Fitbit.)
After collecting what I came for, I zip over to the office supplies section. You can too. Or your favorite office goodies store. Treat yourself to a content planner in your favorite color.
Not a fan of paper? You can also create a digital content calendar using a spreadsheet. Find more on this post here.

3.) Brainstorm your content ideas
This is my favorite tip. Because the key to how to create content regularly, is to have a ton of ideas stored safely on your computer, in the cloud. Wherever you can pop open the list if you feel you’re out of ideas.
Now, I’m a master brainstormer—with clients, friends, and partners. Or, by myself.
The key to brainstorming is: no editing. Absolutely none.
Just type, or write down your ideas. Raw thoughts, phrases, brief descriptions of what you want to share with your people.
There are no rules when you’re brainstorming. (Except the no-editing rule.)
I learned this lesson in corporate.
We’d gather in conference rooms with white boards, and staffers would shout out ideas for solving the problem at hand.
The person (scribe) at the white board, armed with a big, fat marker, would have to simply write down everything that was shouted out. Everything.
Occasionally, the scribe scowled at a suggestion that she/he didn’t like. Then the facilitator reminded us—during the ‘ideation’ phase of brainstorming— no judgments. No bad ideas. No evaluations.
This was nearly impossible for some coworkers. Not me, I love it when EVERY single idea gets its own air to breathe. Even for just a moment. Don’t you?
When you’re brainstorming with yourself, just write. Think of it as journaling; you’re free-flow writing and getting thoughts, ideas, and ‘what-ifs’ out of your beautiful brain and onto paper. Or type.
Do you prefer to speak your ideas? Great! Dictate. If you use a Mac, turn on “dictation”. Or the voice memo app on your smart phone.
Your goal is to get ideas for content out of your head, and onto paper (screen) where you can see them.
After brainstorming, collect all of your ideas into a computer file, handy folder, drawer, or binder so you can find them easily.
Can you do this for yourself? For your followers and clients? Yes? Trust me. It’ll all be worth it.
Later, you’ll turn the snippets and ideas you still love into content that provides deep value for your ideal clients.
Grab The 5-Step Client Clarity Guide Inside, you’ll discover: Because your ideal client backstory can’t just be one line on a sticky note you keep on your desk. Start calling in more dream clients with your expert content. By signing up, you agree to this website’s privacy policy and terms and conditions. We promise we won’t send you spam. You’re welcome to unsubscribe at any time. Step #1 to Create Content That Converts: Start with Your Ideal Client
4.) Go deep, to provide value to your audience
Promise me you won’t teeter on the edge of sounding-like-everyone-else in your field.
I know you can do this one practically in your sleep, be your unique self. You don’t want to sound like everyone else in your space.
Shine a light on your expertise, wisdom, lessons, and your unique methods of helping clients solve their giant pain points. How?
Here are 3 tips to help you avoid the frightening thought of sounding the same:
#1] Transfer the content ideas that light you up, into your content calendar. Only use the gems that you’re excited to talk about.
#2] After drafting your content, put it away for 24 hours. Then, review it and ask yourself how you can make it remarkable. How can you add in your unmistakable methods? How can you make it memorable? What would you say to your ideal client, if they were sitting in front of you? Add that!
#3] Read your final draft out loud. Yep, this one’s easy to do! You’ll be surprised at how quickly you’ll ‘hear’ where you can add tweaks to make your content even more valuable to your ideal clients.

5.) Commit to showing up
Your next step in being intentional as a content creator, is to commit. Yes, make a decision. How often do you intend to create, publish, and share your content? Weekly? Twice a month? Monthly? Pick your frequency, based on how easily you can be consistent with your decision.
Why’s this important? Because showing up for your tribe when you promised you would, is one of the most important ways you can build loyalty and trust with your readers (or listeners).
Remember, you’re committing to creating content as a way to share your knowledge freely with your audience. This is how you help them become familiar and comfortable with your teaching, coaching, and leadership style. That way, when you have a program, product, or service to offer, they’ll be your biggest fans and be excited to attend your webinar, your Facebook live, and listen to your offer.
6.) Be super intentional
Next in setting your intentions, put your content creation times into your calendar.
- Do this for the next 90 days.
- After 90 days, you’ll see how your schedule is working.
- You may want to adjust your frequency or revisit your schedule.
7.) Find this so you can create content regularly with ease
Inspiration. We all need it. Love it. Creation is more fluid with inspiration, right?
Ask yourself, what inspires you? How can you help your people in a different way today?
If you’re in need of help getting inspired, this post shares ideas for finding nuggets of information that jumpstart your creativity.
8.) Choose your best spots for each phase of content creation
Make sure your location is comfy, inspiring, and quiet. You may do well in your office, wherever that may be, for all 3 phases of content creation. Or, like me you may find that brainstorming and drafting work best for you in more comfortable locations. I like to lounge a bit on the sofa, when I’m brainstorming.
Here’s what works for me: even though my office is lovely and quiet, I sit in our family room to brainstorm and often when drafting / writing a ‘sloppy first draft’.
Then when it’s time to publish the post, I head back to my office and my computer. Because the final draft needs to be clear, edited, and I have to insert the blog post images. That all works better at my desk with my larger keyboard, bigger screen, etc.
You may be able to type accurately anywhere—sitting with your computer in your lap, in your car waiting for the kids, in your favorite (outdoor) coffee shop.
The main point here, is find your routine and your spaces, for each stage of developing your content. Clearly, if you’re recording podcasts you’ll have to be at your desk with the right microphone and other equipment.
9.) This helps you keep going to create content regularly
It’s commonly overlooked, yet you must remind yourself about the great client feedback, thank you’s, and appreciation you’ve received. It’s a wonderful exercise to do this, and it can pump you up when your energy lags.
To prepare for when you hit a lull in your content creation energy, keep an ‘appreciation’ file. You’ll collect notes, thank you emails, comments, or texts you’ve gotten. Scan through these gems, when you need a boost about why you support your followers with content.
True, you don’t create content simply for the accolades. Still, it’s fulfilling to remind yourself of how your voice is valued by the people who matter, your dream clients.

10.) Give yourself permission to create content regularly, the easy way
That means, the method of getting your content ideas, out of your head, and into a media form you can share—that’s easiest for you. (Media can be blog post, email message to your list, a lead magnet, video show, or podcast.)
If it’s easier for you to record your thoughts on your phone, or computer. Do that. If you love talking, and your ideas flow best when you’re speaking, then starting a podcast may be your cup of tea. Or a video show.
The sky’s the limit for you! You can create whatever type of content you wish, to share with your audience.
11.) Batching is best, to create content regularly
Many experts recommend that you batch content by setting aside one day each week, or month, to draft all of your blogs or write your podcast / video outlines. This works well for me. Once again, choose the method that fits your creativity, schedule, and business.
As you can see from these tips, your whole purpose with creating content is to share your valuable knowledge with your audience. You want to help potential clients by inspiring them, showing them how to achieve a small win, or to shift their mindset. Also, your content gives potential clients a peek into how it is to work with you.
It may be months, or years, before members of your list or followers of your blog / podcast / video show decide to work with you. Or they may never.
But here’s the thing, you’re sharing knowledge and providing value.
Each time you ‘show up’ for your audience by sharing your original content, it increases your credibility.
You’re giving someone, among your followers, who needs a bit of help to believe in themselves today, that gentle nudge.
The encouraging message that says, “You can do this. Keep going. You’re making progress.” Above all, as a life coach, mentor, educator, you’re sharing message that says, “I believe in you!”
Because that’s what purpose-driven, women who serve others like you do. And my friend, I believe in you.
You’ve definitely got this,
~ Cynthia

What if you could finally create content consistently?
If creating your marketing content has felt like a chore, a time-suck, or a massive mystery, you may have given up on content entirely.
But the truth is:
Content is key to attracting ideal clients and filling your programs. So don’t give up!
If your content ideas are buried in your beautiful brain, you want a process to help your words flow.
You want specific actions to implement so that the content you create stands out to your dream clients.
When you schedule a free Clarity Call, together, we’ll uncover your personalized marketing content actions. That way you can impact more clients. Click below to set up your FREE Clarity Call.