4 Reasons to Create Content, Share Your Remarkable Expertise + Connect with Dream Clients Online

Are you struggling to connect with dream clients, because stay-at-home rules mean you can’t attend live business events?
As a life coach, do you wish you’d set up your online marketing (client connection) processes months ago? Does it feel like you’re miles behind when it comes to knowing how to connect with dream clients and students in the virtual world?
You’re not the only one!
It’s not your fault. After all, you’re a master connector in person! Clients respond to you at live events and you make remarkable connections.
What’s more, you had no way of knowing that a pandemic would send your offline client relationship building into a tailspin.
Truth is, a ton of us feel that we’re playing catch up when it comes to using online methods to connect with students, customers and clients who want our solutions.
So now, in addition to everything else on your plate, you’ve realized it’s time to buff up your content creation and online marketing skills. Good on you!
Content creation is relationship building
Rest assured, the time you invest in polishing your *virtual* networking and marketing skills will be time well-spent. Hugely.
Even after stay-at-home rules are lifted, your skills at connecting online to grow your audience, and enroll more customers are going to be more crucial than ever.
Let me be brutally honest:
The making-client-connections and doing-business-online genie isn’t ever going back in the bottle.
The online world is going to be the place to grow your business for quite some time.
Because, as you know, connecting with dream clients and building relationships —both online and in person—is the lifeblood of your business.
Today, we’re talking about why it’s ridiculously important that you adopt ways to connect with your ideal clients virtually.
Why it’s time you stop resisting ‘virtual’ marketing to connect with dream clients
You’re committed to sharing your expertise and building your credibility so you can attract ideal clients and grow your business, aren’t you? I thought so! 🙂
Here’s the story: you want your message and your business to be discovered and followed by your amazing audience, right? Yes, you’ve worked too hard to become your own boss—and build your network—to suddenly become a well kept secret.
That’s why you must invest in connecting with dream clients online. Being present and active online is vital to your business growing and thriving, even if up to now you haven’t had to do so, because you’ve been meeting clients at in-person events.
Before you start feeling overwhelmed about the whole online thing, there’s good news my friend!
Once you begin building your audience of dream clients-to-be online, you’ll make it easier to:
- Happily turn strangers into followers, fans, and email subscribers
- Confidently build your credibility with followers and subscribers
- Enthusiastically encourage list subscribers to buy your programs and attend your virtual video chat events so that they can solve their problems.
- Powerfully convert more of your audience into paying clients, customers, and students.
Be honest, doesn’t that sound like what you want for your business?! Yes? Wonderful, then you’re in the right place.
Reason #1) It’s time to become intentional about shifting your client connection, to the online space because…
Given the cancelling of live events right now, the online world is where entrepreneurs are finding their audiences, customers and growing their businesses.
When you become intentional about connecting online, you can grow your business by reaching, starting relationships with, and making an impact on as many clients, customers, and students as you want.
The world, and a great bit of the way we all do business, has shifted for good. The more you can accomplish virtually, the better it is for you, the clients you serve, and your business.
First off, your business shift is going to look different for you than it is for other women entrepreneurs. Even for those in your field.
- Maybe for you, it’s time to dust off your lonely list and grow that puppy with new email subscribers who are excited to receive your awesome-sauce content!
- Or finally, get yourself into weekly without-fail content creation mode, so you can blissfully share the expert secrets and solutions your audience craves.
- Here’s one you’ve been meaning to do, power-up and offer your services live, online using video conference apps. And the best part? Then you can serve clients located anywhere on the planet.
- Maybe you’re ready to create (or finish) and offer a digital course to your clients and customers.
However you shift the ways you serve clients, your skills in making virtual connections—and sharing your golden content on social media to begin those connections—are going to be super important. I’m so glad you’re leaning into this topic!
We want you to learn how to be your awesome, savvy, talented self online, just like you are in person, don’t we? Yes!
Your original content, whether you call it king or queen, continues to be powerfully important.
You want to remain timely and relevant with your content, so your current and future clients enthusiastically gobble up everything you send them, post on social, or publish on your website. That way, your business thrives—no matter what’s going on in the world. Sound good?
Great! Let’s keep going.
Reason #2) The need to develop client relationships *virtually*, isn’t going away—even after the stay-at-home’s lifted.
Deep down you know it’s true, you want to recreate parts of your business so that you can bring in clients and students, no matter what’s going on in the world. If it’s one hard lesson we’re learning from this disaster, it’s that we’re better off by having multiple virtual ways to meet, serve, and impact our clients.
Just as you do in the real world, you want to continue to ‘Serve First’ as you use content to connect with dream clients, customers, and students online. Look at it this way, during in person events you believe in ‘serve first,’ don’t you?
As it turns out, online relationship building is exactly the same. When you give first, you’re sharing bits of your expertise, knowledge, and hard-won experience. That makes it easy for people who don’t know you yet, to begin to know, like, and trust you!
Now, of course, they’re excited to opt in for your lead magnet, subscribe to your list, and keep their eyes peeled for the next piece of meaty content you share. And that my friend, is how you build relationships virtually.
Reason #3) Your business benefits when you plan and create amazing content weekly
You can dramatically enhance your credibility and trust, simply because you show up weekly sharing your compelling content. You’re sharing timely tips, small steps, and little lessons your dream clients can apply to solve their problems.
Would you like an example? Here you go, let’s take blogging as an example.
Today, blogging is pretty much the matriarch of the internet. The cool thing is, it’s an effective client connection and relationship-building strategy for you to put into action, for so many reasons.
- When you create a fresh blog post each week, you’re educating your followers and increasing your credibility. (Same goes for a weekly article, video, or podcast.)
- You’re giving your audience a glimpse of what it’s like to work with you, or enroll in one of your programs.
Blogging is serving. Here’s how, when you share your message, your experiences and expertise in a way that’s inspirational and motivational to your potential clients. With each weekly post, you’re increasing trust with your audience because you’re showing up. Not only that, you’re explaining what works and what doesn’t work for the problems you solve— as only you can.
You’re giving your email subscribers and audience valuable, meaningful content because you’ve invested in understanding exactly who they are. As a woman entrepreneur dedicated to serving first, you’ve discovered what’s keeping your dream clients stuck, what they’ve already tried, and why it hasn’t worked for them up to now.
Grab The 5-Step Client Clarity Guide Inside, you’ll discover: Because your ideal client backstory can’t just be one line on a sticky note you keep on your desk. Start calling in more dream clients with your expert content. By signing up, you agree to this website’s privacy policy and terms and conditions. We promise we won’t send you spam. You’re welcome to unsubscribe at any time. Step #1 to Create Content That Converts: Start with Your Ideal Client
See how your content becomes so meaningful and impactful to *your people*?
It’s because you’re genuinely invested in their progress.
Imagine, for a moment, that you’re a weight loss coach. You know that your dream clients have tried every cleanse, exercise program, eating plan, and calorie-activity tracking app out there.
And yet, they’re still struggling to get off / keep off that last 15 pounds.
They need an expert, empathetic coach like you, to coax them or, depending on the day, give them a kick in the pants to keep going, right?
What’s more, if you’re a parenting, self-care, or debt elimination coach—you stay current with the barriers your community of future clients and followers are bumping up against right now. You understand the details about what’s standing in the way of your clients becoming the better version of themselves that they want to be.
That’s why you’re learning more about your audience and followers all the time, isn’t it?
Happy days, when potential dream clients are referred to you and google your name or your business, they’ll find current, compelling content. Most of all, they’ll discover content that speaks to their pain points and frustrations.
These wonderful future clients sign up for your irresistible lead magnet, join your list, and then become paying customers and students. All because you did your
dream-client-homework, created your content, and shared it faithfully each week.
Does it get any better than that?
Reason #4) Future clients + referral partners will find your enthralling content when they search for you online
Don’t forget prospective clients you’ve met at live events, who want to check out your website to get a handle on who you are and the services you offer. Once folks you’ve met in person are ready for help to solve their problems, they’ll visit your website. Won’t it be great when they discover that you publish practical, valuable, and inspiring content that helps them inch toward resolving their problems?
The point is, you’re a responsible, authentic, trusted content creator because you know that’s how you win more clients and earn the bigger income you want. And that’s why you’re staying on top of the problems your ideal clients are dealing with in this moment. Look at you, so good at tapping into your dream clients’ dilemmas.
Here’s the best part: while you’re helping your followers and audience get clarity about solving their problems, you’re also helping your business!
- By creating content, you gain clarity about which topics you want to teach.
- When you consistently create content, it helps you work out the thoughts, themes, and lessons you most want to teach / share with paying clients and students.
- Writing out simple lessons, or tips for a blog or email, is so valuable to how you teach or lead your clients, I promise you!
And wait, there’s more: Time savings. Your blog post not only educates your website visitors, you can get a ton of social-media-mileage out of them by sharing snippets. And that helps you connect with dream clients, even more.
What about your inner *mean girl* critic?
As women, we all have a Doubting Daisy inside our heads. Study after study shows that women have to feel 90% certain that they can achieve a project, job, or contract before we’ll go after it. While men only need to be 10% certain that they can complete said assignment or job for them to apply.
But then, I’m preaching to the choir here. You know what I mean.
For me, Doubting Daisy chimes in when I push publish on a blog post I worked on for hours or post on Facebook. Daisy’s super loud when I craft an Instagram post—because of the photogenic, thin, and brilliant women influencers filling the feeds of the women I’d love to reach.
And I’ve been writing for a long, long time, even successfully self-publishing my book, She Markets.
Here’s the thing that I remind myself of nearly everyday: there will be people who don’t find what I write, post, or say valuable.
There will be women who unsubscribe from my list.
I’ll have posts that are ignored. Social media algorithms will determine that my following, engagement isn’t up to snuff. It happens to many of us. Still, gotta say, it stings. Maybe you’ve felt this way?
And yet, there are those who reach out to me based on one of my posts or emails. That makes it all worthwhile, doesn’t it?
One last note about your inner critic: she’s a big, fat liar.
My mission is to share insights, ideas, and lessons that encourage women to get their voices out there. Because I won’t stand for talented, amazing, purpose-driven women, like you, to not be found by the customers and students who need you.
Now is your time. I don’t have to tell you this: the world is reeling in this moment. It’s never been truer:
The planet needs all of the purpose-driven women entrepreneurs it can get. For starters, get your brilliance out of your beautiful brain and share it on your website, to your list, on social. Stay in action.
You don’t know who really needs to hear from you today.
Your best next 4 actions to connect with dream clients:
1) Make your website shine, like you do after a fresh cut-and-color hair appointment! Make sure each page on your site reflects your current work, so you can connect with dream clients who want your services.
2) Review and refresh your social media profiles. Is each social profile current with the programs, services, and products you’re offering today? Is your headshot professional on each social platform?
3) How relevant is your lead magnet for the programs you’re offering today? Get your valuable lead magnet, freebie, or downloadable content refreshed so it’s ready for your dream clients to opt in, when they visit your site. Use your ideal client description to make sure your terrific freebie is one your dream clients can’t wait to get their hands on.
4) Choose your first month’s worth of content topics you’ll work on., so you can connect with dream clients. Do you want more ideas about how to do that? Find it here, on this post.
Final thoughts
What’s the pitfall if you don’t show up regularly for your list subscribers, blog readers, podcast listeners, video show fans? Hum, they’ll move on for starters.
Remember, as a content creator, with each piece of content you create for them, you’re deepening relationships with your audience.
When you show up—by creating and sharing educational content weekly—you’re building that all-important trust. And you know this: trust leads to good relationships.
That way, when you’re ready to offer a new program, product or service, your list and your followers are open to hearing about it.
And that my friend, is why it’s uber-important for you to keep your promises, and share your wonderful one-of-a-kind content.
Showing up on the regular, takes commitment. I know you’ve got that!

What if you could finally create content consistently?
If creating your marketing content has felt like a chore, a time-suck, or a massive mystery, you may have given up on content entirely.
But the truth is:
Content is key to attracting ideal clients and filling your programs. So don’t give up!
If your content ideas are buried in your beautiful brain, you want a process to help your words flow.
You want specific actions to implement so that the content you create stands out to your dream clients.
When you schedule a free Clarity Call, together, we’ll uncover your personalized marketing content actions. That way you can impact more clients. Click below to set up your FREE Clarity Call.