Unexpected Ways to Find Content Topics (for Your Business Blog or Web Site)

Shouldn’t you have a list of easy ways to find content topics for your business blog or website? Read on!
The three most common questions that business owners, coaches, and consultants ask me when the subject of starting a small business blog comes up (right after, “geez, do I really need a blog?”):
- “What do I write about on a blog?”
- “What kind of content should I add to my web site?”
- “I’ve got a description of my services, my about page, testimonials. What other website content do I need?”
In the age of social media and connecting online with your audience of future clients, creating and maintaining good quality content on your website is simply a basic business requirement today. It’s not a nice-to-have.
Especially for small business owners without large marketing budgets. Enhancing your ability to write compelling, interesting, and helpful content and posting it online can help you be more “findable” when buyers are searching for an expert who offers solutions like yours.

Step #1 to Create Content That Converts: Start with Your Ideal Client
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In order to make your website or blog the go-to site for buyers in your industry looking to solve problems or achieve goals, here are some ideas for creating killer client content:
Check Out Competitor Sites: If your competitors are blogging or hosting online community sites, check out the topics being discussed. Write a blog post or article with your fresh approach to solving the problems. Remember to share your (best) insights when you create content. Your goal is to start conversations with future clients or students.
Monitor Social Media sites: What are the most popular questions, issues being asked by your people & prospects? If your ideal client is on LinkedIn, see what kind of posts they’re making or commenting on. It’s the same for Instagram, TikTok, or other social media sites your clients use.
Best place to find content
Ask Your Clients: Start with your current folks. What kind of conversations are you having with current clients?
- Talk with a few of your best clients every week. Find out what’s keeping them awake at night. (This week/month.) It’s a fast-changing market/world. Don’t assume you know what’s on your clients’ current list of priorities today.
- What pages on your website are the most popular? Take those subjects and expand them into multiple blog posts. (Make sure you have visitor stats and Google analytics apps added to your web pages.)
- What new strategies are your clients using to cope with their biggest challenges? Expand on those. Offer your insights for improving eating habits, finding a soulmate, doing more with less, managing finances, or whatever your core competency is. You’re the expert. Share!
- What’s the most common topic in email messages you send to existing clients? You probably have several useful approaches to solving problems around your services. Those make great blog posts.
- What are the problems your clients encounter over and over? Create blog posts, or a series of articles, to explain the options—and when to use each one.
- You can find content ideas from your prospects’ questions. There are probably a few ways to answer each question, depending on the clients’ situation. So take different slants and write web site articles or blog posts about each one.
Listen to Prospects: For people not using your services yet, list their most common, urgent issues. Think of the type of information you offer during your first discovery call with a future client. This can be a treasure trove of client conversation (blog) topics.
- Also, check in with partners that refer potential buyers to you. Ask them what sorts of issues indicate to them it’s time to refer their people to you.
All Work and no Play…Back in 2006 (when blogs were sort of the new, new thing) at a conference I attended in Seattle, Robert Scobel (leading tech blogger) suggested that business bloggers should publish one personal post out of every 17 posts.
Share your passions. What are your favorite causes, charities or fundraising events? Talk about why you love your favorite non-profit. Write about your favorite team occasionally on your company blog.
Personal stories about a travel experience during a business or family trip are great, as long as you can relate them back to your ideal clients’ situation. Content that reveals your personal interests is also valuable because it builds a picture of who you are, outside of being an entrepreneur.
More ideas are here: 5 Steps: Make More Engaging Content (So You Can Easily Attract Ideal Clients)
To find content ideas, share first
How-tos and tips. Always share your favorite problem-solving shortcuts. Stuff your clients don’t think to ask you about. Be generous with your expertise. As you’re writing, ask for other ideas from your readers. Remember, when you’re looking to find content ideas so you can engage with potential clients, it’s an ongoing conversation.
When creating content, remember to share your very best ideas. Your best practices, advice and secrets for getting things done.
When you publish surefire ways to take baby steps toward solving problems, and achieving goals, it helps your blog and website content to stand out from the crowd. That makes it easier to find new clients.

What if you could finally create content consistently?
If creating your marketing content has felt like a chore, a time-suck, or a massive mystery, you may have given up on content entirely.
But the truth is:
Content is key to attracting ideal clients and filling your programs. So don’t give up!
If your content ideas are buried in your beautiful brain, you want a process to help your words flow.
You want specific actions to implement so that the content you create stands out to your dream clients.
When you schedule a free Clarity Call, together, we’ll uncover your personalized marketing content actions. That way you can impact more clients. Click below to set up your FREE Clarity Call.