How to Create Content for Dream Clients in 5 Steps (So You Can Attract Ideal Clients)
This post shares my 5 best steps on how to create content for dream clients
“Hey,” Kendall said to herself in the mirror. “It’s time to stop being so hard on yourself.”
She went back into her bedroom and turned off the light. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Her thoughts were all over the place – from how it had been 3 weeks since she’d posted on Facebook (or was it longer?), to how much she knew that as a life coach she should be blogging weekly.
After all, Kendall wants to provide value to her future clients. She wondered why she felt like it was a waste of time anyway….
And then there was that dreaded feeling of self-doubt creeping up on her again.
Kendall thought about how great it was when a coaching client would email or text her with questions about their health or pictures of themselves from years ago. They told her they didn’t recognize themselves anymore because they’d lost 20 pounds doing yoga–all thanks to working with her!
The weight loss stories were always inspiring and encouraging. Yet, her list of clients had dwindled lately.
Kendall wanted to feel confident about her content, marketing strategy, and how to talk to potential life coaching clients in content. In short, she dreamed of feeling amazing about marketing her services. Sadly, she didn’t feel certain about any of those marketing goals.
Some days it felt like she could power through creating content for dream clients. Other days, Kendall didn’t feel like doing anything at all – not even an email… much less a blog post!
“I really need to get back on track.” She thought about how important it is to create content for dream clients for her business and for Facebook engagement. “How can I create content consistently when I don’t even know what content to create?”
Maybe you can relate to Kendall? Many life coaches can.
The reality is, writing articles/blog posts/video scripts for content marketing can be hard work.
You might not feel like you have much new to say. Maybe it feels like it’s all been said. Is your marketing mindset that no one will care about your content anyway? Well, that’s just your inner mean girl talking.
Even if it feels like you’re staring at a blank screen (for hours) when it’s time to create fresh content for your dream client, you still have plenty of valuable ideas that will resonate with your people. I promise.
For example, your content topics could include:
- How to reduce stress naturally without medication for women over 50
- Empowering women solopreneurs struggling with imposter syndrome or overwhelm
- Applying self-care strategies for single working moms (in only 15 minutes a day)
- Exercises to reduce back pain for women over 40
But wait a hot minute, before you dive into pounding out an epic blog post with “The 7 best-ever tips for eating right to manage your A1C for women“, let’s take a breath.
You want to create content for dream clients that is valuable, right?
It all boils down to two factors:
- Your dream clients’ SPECIFIC urgent problems
- What you want to accomplish in your coaching business in the next 90 days
How do you unearth these juicy content topics that your potential life coaching clients are madly scanning their inboxes, Facebook feeds for? And engages a dream client to become interested in your services?
Good questions! That leads us to the whole “how to be consistent when you create content for dream clients” conversation…
Need ideas for how to create content for dream clients so you can market your services?
Even if content doesn’t feel important to marketing your services and expanding your coaching business with more potential clients, right now, it is.
A solid content creation habit can build your authority online as a life coach or health coach.
Don’t forget: the minute you’re referred by a friend, a potential coaching client is going to search your name online. It’s the content that shows up on Google (your website) when people search to find out about what you do as a life coach and how they can work with you…this is huge!
After all, you want to attract and engage the specific dream clients you want to serve, right? But then we have that blank screen staring at us…
I hear you, you’re not alone.
Many women coaches are struggling, feeling self-doubt and at a loss for content ideas so they can create content for dream clients. They want to know what to write about when marketing their services.
If this is you, it’s 100% understandable. You’re not the only one.
But here’s the truth, if you understand your dream clients’ top problems and clarify your business goals, finding marketing content topics to write about becomes easy–peasy. And marketing your services begins to flow, and feel natural to you.
Or at least, it becomes less difficult than slogging through mud in sandals.
Step #1 to Create Content That Converts: Start with Your Ideal Client
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Because your ideal client backstory can’t just be one line on a sticky note you keep on your desk.
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5 Steps to Create Content for Dream Clients
Here are 5 steps you can use today to overcome an uncertain marketing mindset about what to say in your content. These steps help you find your process for creating consistent weekly blog posts for marketing your services (or whatever type of content floats your boat).
Step 1: Know your content purpose and who you want to serve
Knowing exactly who you want to serve with your services is where you begin to create content for dream clients.
You can’t create riveting content that engages future clients if it doesn’t serve a specific purpose for a specific person. This specific person: your perfect-fit dream client.
Here’s a proven exercise: write down the most urgent problems your dream clients face – it doesn’t matter if you think you have content topics for each one. Brainstorming is an incredibly effective way to get your fresh marketing content ideas flowing.
Take a few days to let your mind wander and write down everything you can think of—trust me— this is the hardest part!
Your reward? You’ll easily choose the content ideas that resonate with the specific humans who you want to serve. And who get the best results from your coaching and services.
Related: 7 Tips: Create Web Content (That Aligns with Your Dream Clients’ Needs)
Step 2: Clarify the business goals your content strategy should address
Besides understanding what’s important to clients, you also must know what specifically you want your content to accomplish for your business. Ask yourself:
- Do you need more practice coaching clients to prepare for certification?
- Do you want to book new coaching clients for a 3-month commitment?
- Is growing your email list a marketing strategy priority?
- Looking to fill your calendar with paying clients so you can quit your day job?
As a coach, setting a business goal for your content is crucial. It helps to establish your authority and build trust online with potential clients.
You create content once, publish it on your website, and it powers your marketing strategy for years. It does this amazing feat by attracting your future clients because you’re talking about their problems.
Once potential clients find your website, you offer them a free opt in. Now you‘re building a list of subscribers that you can email regularly.
Keep in mind, your trusty workhorse-of-a-blog-post does this over and over and over again for your marketing strategy.
Holy cow! That’s a lot going on for one post. So before you create one, sit down and think about exactly which outcome you want from it.
By identifying the online coaching business growth goals you want your content to meet, you’ll create content for dream clients that’s relevant.
You’ll create fewer of the one-size-fits-all posts that aren’t meaningful to your ideal client or helpful in bringing the right visitors to your site from social media. You’ll create more content that future clients actually care about, so they stick around.
Okay, now that you’ve gotten clarity around the urgent problems of your dream client and the business goals for your content, it’s time to set your content creation intentions for Step 3.
Step 3: How often will you create + publish *core content*?
As a life coach, your core content is likely made up of blog posts, podcasts, or videos.
As we’ve said,
The best part about having your own website, is that after you create content for dream clients, you can repurpose it. You can share it. You can re-share it.
It’s your core content. It’s your intellectual property to repost, republish snippets from it on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, as often as you like.
See, a big part of your what-do-I-post-on-Facebook-today is already done. Can I get a high-five?
To keep yourself visible online to new clients, start by deciding how often you want to share your new core content. It’s up to you, you’re the boss!
- You may decide to create it monthly, twice a month, or weekly
- Choose a frequency that makes it easy for you to create content for dream clients + share it
- You don’t need to post a new blog or podcast on your website every day to be a successful coach, thank goodness!
Also, clarify how frequently you intend to engage on social media so you can connect with a new client. Do you want to post on Facebook or LinkedIn Monday to Friday? Three times a week?
Write down your plan so that it’s clear what content topics you’ll share and when – this is super helpful for organizing both your thoughts and your time.
This is the easiest step, grab a paper planner, set up an Asana project, calendar, or Google calendar, if you are not using one already. Now, you can see at a glance what content you’re posting and when.
Now, you’ll know when to create core content and when you’re sharing it on Facebook, LinkedIn or other sites, so you can stay on top of showing up and engaging with dream clients…
That’s the top reason you create content for dream clients—so you can stand out and engage with them online.
Step 4: Choose your content ideas for each week
Now it’s time to look at all of those notes and content topic ideas that you jotted down during your brainstorming in Step 1 (above).
Go back to the beginning: Remind yourself: your goal is to create content for dream clients. Clarify for yourself, precisely who you’re creating content for.
Ask: Which topics can you write a valuable educational post that future clients are happy to find, click on, and read?
Knowing this will help you determine the answers to questions like…
“Are my readers searching for X?”
“What type of blog posts could I create in order to get them curious about my services?”
“Which content topics are my future clients most interested in?”
Related: 15 Ways to Find Client-Focused Topics (for Your Life Coach Website)
Step 5: Create content for dream clients: show up, share + engage
Unlike entrepreneurs selling tangible products, when you’re a life, wellness, marriage coach, or consultant, the backbone of your business is relationship-building. That means your responsibility to create content for dream clients is huge!
Because you work one-on-one with clients, nurturing client relationships from the time they discover you helps ensure they continue coming back again to read/watch your content. Not only that, you want them to follow you on social media, join your email list, and (best of all) contact you for a discovery call.
You build trust with blog post readers and social media followers when you’re publishing fresh content consistently and showing up on social media to share it and engage with them.
So, what does it mean to “engage with potential clients on social media”?
Social Media Engagement is when you interact with the posts made by people you follow on Facebook/Instagram/LinkedIn or other social media sites.
To be clear, after you create content for dream clients, engagement happens when your social media connections take actions such as:
- “Like” or “Love” your post with emojis
- Comment on your post (this is a huge positive for you)
- Watch your Live Stream
- View your recorded video (that you uploaded)
- Share your blog post/social media post/video with their Facebook connections (2nd best engagement)
- Private message you to ask about your services (Yay! The best engagement.)
- Direct message you to set up a discovery call
Of course, engagement works both ways.
So to earn these last two engagement goodies, you must be a great social media community member by engaging and “giving first”.
How? You make thoughtful, authentic comments on their social media posts, answer their questions with helpful non-salesy info, reply to all comments they make on your posts, and say “Thank you so much!” when followers share/comment/like your posts.
Tell me, can you think of ways you can become a better social media community member?
Related: You Can Write Headlines That Speak to Dream Clients
Final thoughts to create content for dream clients consistently
As a purpose-driven coach, you know the value of having content that is both valuable to your dream client and helps you achieve your business goals.
It all depends on two factors: your dream clients’ specific urgent problems and what YOU want to accomplish in your business within the next 90 days.
After pouring your heart into writing a blog post and showing up on social media consistently to share snippets of what you’ve written, how do you still get future clients reading?
Decide this for yourself by considering these questions:
What type of a blog post will help me be more successful with my marketing goals over the next three months?
How much time can I commit each week or month to create content for dream clients? How much time will you invest in writing new blog post articles? Not only that, but publishing them online and also show up to engage on social media?
Quick, grab your calendar and schedule these commitments to yourself.
Oh, what about Kendall?
To get over her content creation block, she made a marketing mindset shift and began treating herself like she treats her clients. Kendall scheduled time each week to create content for dream clients. And, to consistently write a new blog post, publish it on her website, and show up on social media to share and engage with her ideal clients.
Can you do something similar?
I’m pulling for you.
What if you could finally create content consistently?
If creating your marketing content has felt like a chore, a time-suck, or a massive mystery, you may have given up on content entirely.
But the truth is:
Content is key to attracting ideal clients and filling your programs. So don’t give up!
If your content ideas are buried in your beautiful brain, you want a process to help your words flow.
You want specific actions to implement so that the content you create stands out to your dream clients.
When you schedule a free Clarity Call, together, we’ll uncover your personalized marketing content actions. That way you can impact more clients. Click below to set up your FREE Clarity Call.