Consistency with Content: 10 Strategies to Free Up Your Time + Do the Work You Love

Getting to consistency with creating your content can often seem relentless, like a never-ending task.
Tons of women solo entrepreneurs tell me they struggle to find a creation cadence that truly works for them. If that’s you, you’re not alone.
Today, we’ll share nine practical strategies to help you establish a content rhythm that fits your lifestyle. And frees up your time so you can do more of the work you love.
I’m including ideas for gaining consistency with content that women entrepreneurs shared with me on social media.
By the end, you’ll have a choice of strategies to help you develop a more manageable, sustainable, and fulfilling content workflow.
Why is consistency with content key to finding your clients?
Your best marketing strategy details the frequency (cadence) of when you intend to create and share educational content. This is also known as ‘content marketing’, differentiating it from paid ads, for example.
Coschedule tells us, “The key to content marketing is creating engaging, relevant, and consistent content, without directly promoting your brand, that your audience can connect with and take action.”
They stress, “without promoting your brand”. My version of effective marketing?
- Marketing is not selling, it’s educating + connecting
- Marketing is sharing small actionable steps your folks can take towards a solution
- Marketing is making yourself, your services, your brand, memorable (in a non-pushy way)
And the key to making yourself memorable?
- Sharing snippets of your expertise
- Showing up online with content
- Being present in a consistent wat
My hard won consistent content lesson
You know how you’re always rushing around doing entrepreneur-ish things?
- Networking
- Updating your website
- Creating or recycling content
- Following up with potential clients
- Building relationships with referral partners
You do this too, right?
But in 2002, in the midst of my jammed schedule, I had a sinking realization: my marketing wasn’t working.
Let me backup a bit.
As a newbie entrepreneur, I hadn’t worried much about marketing. After all, I was a seasoned corporate marketer. But suddenly, I felt something was off—my marketing was missing the mark.
It was like tasting your favorite vinaigrette and realizing it’s not quite right. (More dijon?) That’s how I felt about my marketing.
An important ingredient was missing.
Later, I sat down with a glass of Pinot Noir and took a hard look at my plan and realized the truth: I didn’t even have a content plan.
I cringe now, thinking, *What was I doing?* I thought my corporate experience was enough, but marketing myself? Choosing my ideal client? Writing content for them? I hadn’t even committed to creating the right content consistently.
I’d totally missed the boat and wasn’t creating content because I couldn’t picture “The One”. My ideal client.
Fast forward to today, I know in my bones that creating consistent content is crucial for your business.
To keep you from making the same mistakes, I’m sharing 10 strategies that have worked for me and my clients over 20+ years as a marketing coach.
Pick two or three, and mix and match them to create your own consistent content process.
Sound like a plan? Let’s go through them.
10 Strategies to Move Toward Consistency with Content Creation
Strategy #1] Treat your business like you treat clients
It’s all too easy to push your own business content to the bottom of your list. With client work, family, errands, and everything else on your plate, it’s understandable.
But here’s the thing—your content is more than just another task. It’s a reflection of your expertise, a business asset that only you can create.
How can you make it a priority? Start by treating your content creation with the same care and commitment you show your clients.
As a woman over 50, your clients deeply value the years of wisdom and experience you bring. By consistently sharing your insights through well-crafted content, you continue to build the authority and trust that set you apart.
Erin Halper, founded a membership community for independent consultants called The Upside. In an interview with FastCompany magazine she shared this insight:
Starting a consulting business allows many of these women to use their age as a competitive advantage, because clients value the “years and years of expertise” they have. Source
That means, you want to find your way to share your years and years of expertise with your online content.
Pro Tip: What non-client attracting habits will you eliminate, so you free up time to create more engaging, expert content?
Strategy #2] Prioritize your marketing content creation time
They say, what doesn’t get scheduled, doesn’t get done. This strategy goes back to #1, treating your business like you treat your clients.
- Make content-creation appointments with yourself.
- Calendar them.
- Keep them.
Pro-tip: The best 1st step you can take toward consistency with content: dump all activities that don’t bring in new clients.
If you want to become consistent with marketing content creation, this single action gives you a powerful head start to carve out time.
If you still need the task done, delegate it.

Step #1 to Create Content That Converts: Start with Your Ideal Client
Grab The 5-Step Client Clarity Guide
Inside, you’ll discover:
Because your ideal client backstory can’t just be one line on a sticky note you keep on your desk.
Start calling in more dream clients with your expert content.
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Strategy #3] Find a happy place to create
When it comes to getting out your ‘sloppy first draft’, you want to set yourself up in a place that helps you feel creative. So that goes without saying you should …
- Find a park bench, quiet coffee shop, or empty place in your home
- Get away from distractions
- Hide your phone
- Be comfy
My creative space for pounding out terrible first drafts is away from my distracting desk, in our family room near large, airy windows.
However, when it’s time to edit, polish, spell check, format, and publish, I have to be back at my desk with two monitors and my trusty trackpad.
Strategy #4] Prepare ahead instead of waiting for inspiration
Wouldn’t it be lovely if your inspiration muse instantly appeared when you sat down to write?
If that doesn’t happen for you, prepare ahead of time for content creation sessions.
Make a ‘simple’ content plan. Brainstorm educational, inspirational, or motivational topics your readers will enjoy and learn from.
Collect ideas when you think of them. Your way. On a blank Google doc, Word doc, project app, your phone, or even a napkin.
Clients say that writing down content ideas as soon as they get them has been a game-changer. They find it way easier to stay focused and consistent with creating content.
⇒ An operations entrepreneur friend calls her notebook for ideas a “content pad”.
Lots of professional writers keep a pad/pen in every room of their home to jot down ideas.
Expert content example: An executive coaching group’s blog post explains reasons why company leaders don’t delegate and tips about how to delegate. To Lead Effectively, Learn to Delegate Well
Strategy #5] Mashup your content
Don’t EVER start creating with a blank page.
Reuse, recycle, repurpose, remix, and refresh alllll of your pieces. Your existing content is like a cat; it has at least 9 lives.
Keep in mind, people want to consume the same content in different formats. Your blogs could (should) be shared with emails to your list, but don’t stop there!
You can turn a blog post, podcast episode, training, or video into multiple kinds of social media posts.
- Instagram reels
- Instagram or LinkedIn carousels
- Image and text posts on any social platform

Step #1 to Create Content That Converts: Start with Your Ideal Client
Grab The 5-Step Client Clarity Guide
Inside, you’ll discover:
Because your ideal client backstory can’t just be one line on a sticky note you keep on your desk.
Start calling in more dream clients with your expert content.
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Strategy #6] Test timesaving tools
There’s no shortage of software and other tools and apps designed to make your life and your business tasks easier.
Find artificial intelligence (AI) apps to help you outline content ideas, brainstorm topics and titles, or edit your content.
- Use AI for brainstorming new content ideas, outlines, headlines, etc.
- Use social media schedulers to post some content on Instagram, LinkedIn, or your platform of choice.
Pro Tip: As with all AI apps, always evaluate and edit the output it gives you.
Consistency of effort over the long run is everything.
Angela Duckworth
For reference, AI is saving time for content marketers in tech companies. Here’s how tech folks use AI:
- “About half (51%) use generative AI to brainstorm new topics.
- Many use the tools to research headlines and keywords (45%) and write drafts (45%).
- Fewer say they use AI to outline assignments (23%), proofread (20%), generate graphics (11%), and create audio (5%) and video (5%).”
Source: Content Marketing Institute

Strategy #7] Record your thoughts
Do your words/ideas/insights flow more freely when you’re talking? Great!
Dictate into your phone or use a recording app like
Nathalie Gregg, adjunct professor, leadership coach, and keynote speaker, shares inspiring leadership insights every day. She finds that voice recording has helped her to choose powerful words that evoke emotions in her content.
Nathalie says,
I have fallen in love with voice recording! Not only do they capture the content but also my emotions as well. Voice recordings challenge me to choose powerful words that evoke emotions that will lead to emotional connections for conversion.
Nathalie Gregg
Can you try Nathalie’s recording idea?
Strategy #8] Avoid guessing what content clients want
On your quest to become consistent with content, build in ways to better understand the changes your client audience members are dreaming about.
How? Go to the source …
- Interview current, past, potential dream clients
- Conduct quick polls on social media
- Survey your email list
When you check in regularly to verify your understanding of your dream clients’ deep desires, it’s easy to stay current on how their challenges and goals shift.
Here’s an inspiring example of an educational content piece: A how-to blog post by YES, a non-profit helping youth: Goal Setting for Students!
Strategy #9] Commit to your cadence
Decide on a fresh content creation frequency you can commit to.
Your choice: daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly.
There is no magic to achievement. It’s really about hard work, choices, and persistence.” – Michelle Obama
Strategy #10] Shift your mindset about content creation
We’re often told (in fact I advise clients) to shift our marketing mindset.
According to Psychology Today, “shifting mindsets isn’t as simple as replacing one belief with another. It usually takes preparation, work, and practice.”
They recommend…
“You should shift from “I need to go running” to “I am a runner.” With the first mindset, you are grateful when it is raining. With the second mindset, you are disappointed, and check when the rain is supposed to end.” Source
In our case of shifting our marketing mindset so we can achieve consistency with content, it might look something like this:
Old mindset: I need to write fresh content weekly.
New mindset: Each week I write fresh, compelling content that my future clients will love.
At the end of the day, you must choose and adopt a creation habit, so your efforts to become consistent with content creation will be successful.
- Will you batch create?
- Draft blogs or podcast episode outlines every Monday morning?
- Write sloppy first drafts every morning for 30 minutes?
- Start by handwriting a draft? My favorite method of getting rough ideas down on paper.
- Run with an idea when it strikes you?
- Determine which day/time you’re most creative?
- Try a habit tracker?
Many women say that habit trackers help them stay consistent.

Image credit:
Whether you need your content to help you attract potential dream clients, build trust and authority online, or both, consistency with content creation is the ideal strategy for you.
The 10 key strategies to help you gain consistency with content creation include:
- Treat your business like you treat clients
- Prioritize your content creation time
- Find a happy creation spot
- Prepare ahead
- Mashup your previous content
- Test timesaving tools
- Record your thoughts
- Avoid guessing about topics
- Commit to your cadence
- Shift your mindset
I hope you adopt two or more of these strategies and become consistent with your content, so you can call in the clients who you’re inspired to work with.
Have other questions about how you can become more consistent with your content? I’d be happy to help you out. You can email me your questions … Click to my ⇒ Contact page.
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What if you could finally create content consistently?
If creating your marketing content has felt like a chore, a time-suck, or a massive mystery, you may have given up on content entirely.
But the truth is:
Content is key to attracting ideal clients and filling your programs. So don’t give up!
If your content ideas are buried in your beautiful brain, you want a process to help your words flow.
You want specific actions to implement so that the content you create stands out to your dream clients.
When you schedule a free Clarity Call, together, we’ll uncover your personalized marketing content actions. That way you can impact more clients. Click below to set up your FREE Clarity Call.