Women Entrepreneurs: 5 Ways Choosing Your Dream Client Helps Grow Your Business

Today’s post shares the benefits for your coaching business when you commit and choose ideal client.
And we’ll share exercises you can to use so that your content creation is focused on topics your clients are interested in.
Did you know this pathetic fact? Women entrepreneurs earn 28% less than their male peers in America.
I know, it sucks right? When I found this study a couple of years ago, I felt angry, frustrated, and yet it wasn’t surprising. Unfortunately, the disparity between earnings of women and men business owners is fairly well documented.
The 28% stat is from a 2018 study by accounting and invoicing software maker, Fresh Books. They surveyed both men and women working for themselves.
Driving home my favorite mantra about ideal clients, Inc. magazine quotes a professor who emphasizes that you must know your customer in order to price your products and services appropriately.
My question for you: is it time you attracted more of your IDEAL clients consistently?
Do you wish you could engage and bring in more of your best clients?
You know, those fabulous clients who follow your coaching recommendations, implement your programs, and get the results they’re after.
The most profitable part about bringing in more dream clients?
They pay your fees without haggling!
I know firsthand how frustrating it is to put yourself out there by playing full out at networking groups, blogging faithfully, giving talks to groups, and diligently posting on social media. Especially, when you have little to show for your hard work, and by little, I mean not enough of your most profitable clients.

Step #1 to Create Content That Converts: Start with Your Ideal Client
Grab The 5-Step Client Clarity Guide
Inside, you’ll discover:
Because your ideal client backstory can’t just be one line on a sticky note you keep on your desk.
Start calling in more dream clients with your expert content.
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Not only that, you’re patiently building relationships with referral partners, right?
Good for you! Never forget, this work is the lifeblood for expanding your business. This in-the-trenches work is key so you can earn your value, do way more of the things you love, and visit your favorite places with the people you love. Isn’t it?
And yet, it’s tough going isn’t it?
Often, you don’t feel like the results you’re seeing reflect the giant amount of effort you’re putting in. After all, you’re marketing, promoting your business, helping future clients to know, like, and trust you.
In addition to the earnings disparity, other studies show that as many as 76% of entrepreneurs wish they had help with marketing.
If you fall in this camp, you’re certainly not alone. As a matter of fact, neither was Jill.

How Jill Chose Her Ideal Client
I worked with a socially conscious entrepreneur we’ll call “Jill”. She had developed a luscious, award-winning, organic skin care line that was flying off the shelves in spas. Jill sourced the Argan oil ingredients from a developing area in Morocco and donated a percentage of sales back to the village.
Despite all of the retail sales success, her problem was that her online sales were dismal. What made it worse, nothing she tried to turn them around worked. Jill was frustrated after doing months of work to set up the supply chain from Morocco, packaging, website and everything else. This issue she had not planned on, lack of website sales.
When we began working together, her team described their ideal buyers as women between the ages of 18 and 81. Sheesh! That’s a giant group of women.
The barrier was this: the team couldn’t distinguish between ALL of their clients (women from 18 to 81) and their IDEAL clients.
As a result, Jill’s messaging wasn’t connecting with anyone. She was trying to write blogs that were meaningful with women across four generations!
She was trying to start conversations with women of wildly different lifestyles, priorities, and values. That explained why her marketing wasn’t attracting the attention of the right buyers.
Using my Client Clarity to Cash Flow System, we identified her first priority customer. The good news, Jill quickly got crystal clear on how to choose her ideal client.
Jill Committed to Choose Ideal Client
From then on, she focused her messaging and blogs specifically on the wants and desires of her new ideal client.
She created content for professional women between ages 45 and 55 who regularly purchased luxury skin care, were so busy they loved online shopping, and they resonated instantly with Jill’s social message of supporting the industrious women suppliers in Morocco.
Happily, Jill’s marketing content began to resonate with the right website visitors and online sales increased.
The best part, she no longer had to stress about making the income from her website sales.
Not only that, Jill was able to focus on partnership strategies to grow her business. It was exciting! Jill was thrilled about living her dream of building a beauty company and giving back at the same time.
So, maybe you’re like Jill and you’re feeling frustrated because you haven’t much to show for all of your sincere marketing efforts. If this is you, I’m glad you’re here because we’re going to dive into the ways you can grow your business, and get closer to earning your value, by focusing your efforts on your ideal, perfect client.
I’m going share with you the five ways choosing an ideal client will help you grow your business.
Let’s get started, shall we?
5 Benefits When You Focus + Choose Your Ideal Client
Benefit #1: When you attract ideal clients, you can do this.
It’s been said many times many ways: everybody is not your client. The problem with asking purpose-driven business owners, like you, to focus on a specific client is that it raises a long list of objections.
You might say, “But Cynthia, I’ll miss out on business! And my products, services, and programs can help nearly everyone. Why should I limit myself to one type of client?”
Make no mistake, this is a popular misconception. It’s counter-intuitive, but you won’t lose out. Let’s think about your ‘right kinds of clients’ for a moment.
Reflect for a moment, on your current and past clients.
Pause and do this, consider the ones who got the absolute best results from working with you or using your products and services.
Then, ask yourself these questions:
Going beyond sharing the same problems that you help solve, what else did they have in common?
- What were their driving motivators for fixing their problems? (Ex. Save for retirement, fund kid’s college, travel, find a Soulmate, be able to play with grandchildren, etc.)
- How did they explain their problems and pain points?
- What did they say their dream solution looked like?
- Write down how each of your successful clients responded when you quoted your fees.
Importantly, these questions will lead you to a crystal clear picture of your perfect clients. Once you get a vivid image of this person as a complete person, you’re marketing and your business will improve dramatically. You’ll start viewing them more deeply than simply a client with a particular problem to solve.
You will begin to have meaningful conversations because you will know your perfect, dream client so well. You’ll know them better than anyone else in your field.
Your marketing content, stories on your website, your blogs, social media videos and posts, and/or podcasts will draw them to you.
Why? Because they’ll recognize that you’re speaking directly to them.
Clients you can help best (and want more of) will notice that you’re talking about what’s closest to their heart. They’ll recognize that you have helped people like them before. They will want to know more about how you can help them.
Benefit #2: Your email subject lines will do this.
Want your email subject lines that ‘pop’ in a sea of sameness in your clients’ inbox?
What happens when you check email, open Facebook, click to your favorite shopping or news website? You’re greeted with a barrage of messages, ads, offers, and links all screaming for your attention, right?
You’ve adapted a method for clicking rapidly online to discover enticing tidbits. You scan your inbox like radar seeking the must-read messages. You’ve cleverly learned how to only pay attention to sites, messages, and content that matters to you.
You’re adept, you screen out, delete, and eliminate the tsunami of messages competing for your attention that DON’T matter to you. We humans are resourceful creatures, aren’t we?
Here’s the thing, your potential clients do the same.
You’re looking to get your emails opened, blog posts discovered and read, and some love for your social media posts. Yes, please!
Awesome, to accomplish these feats of marketing success, you can take a cue from the social media influencer who knows exactly what’s on the minds of her fans.
- You must speak your ideal clients’ language
- Talk only about topics they care about
- Share helpful information that matters most to them
- Make it clear that you understand where they’re coming from
And you can accomplish all of this by getting a firm handle on exactly who your perfect/ideal clients are. I promise you!
Benefit #3: Set yourself up to choose ideal clients when colleagues ask this.
Have you ever taken too long to describe your ideal client when a contact who is in a related business, asks you, “What kinds of prospects should I refer to you?”
It’s not reassuring, is it? You want to be able to instantly and clearly provide a concise description of the clients you’re seeking, so referral partners can be on the lookout for you.
Benefit #4: Easily revamp your elevator pitch.
Once you’re clear about your dream clients, think of how easy it will be to revamp your self-introduction! You’ll be able to clearly describe your perfect clients and the pain points you help them solve when introducing yourself on Zoom calls or at in person events.
You’ll explain in an understandable way the specific kinds of people you want to work with.
Getting clear on your perfect clients will help you to ‘sift and sort’ who is a prospect you want to get to know and who is not. People will ‘self-select’ out. (This is a good thing!) You’ll know quickly if potential clients urgently want to take action on the kinds of pain points you specialize in helping to solve.
After all, you’re not looking to serve *everybody*, are you? No, instead you’re looking to connect with your ideal potential clients, people who are motivated to make changes and take action.
What’s more, you’re focused on filling your calendar with clients who value your expertise and are happy to pay your fees.

Benefit #5: Your content, conversations + headlines resonate.
Your future clients will want to click through to read your articles, view your videos, and follow you. All because:
- Now, you’re ‘singing their song’.
- You’re talking about, sharing, and educating them about the problems that they obsess over.
- Instead of boringly detailing the benefits of your products and services, you’re sharing real outcomes.
- Unlike most business owners and experts, you are letting future clients know you understand their struggles.
- Rather than touting your services, potential clients will see you talking about how their lives will be better after working with you.
Now, we know that your products and services rock. The reality is, clients don’t care about your stuff until after they begin working with you.
5 Reasons to Create a Plan to Attract More Clients (Entrepreneurs, Life Coaches, Consultants)
In the beginning, you’re building a relationship with potential clients. That way, clients will begin to know, like, and trust you because you talk about them and their problems. You share baby steps they can tak to become the better person they want to be. You don’t talk non-stop about your products and services.
3 Clarity Steps to Take Now So You Can Choose Your Ideal Client
Imagine for a moment, how far will your business take you when you have a steady stream of clients who can’t wait to work with you?
Envision how fulfilling it will be to experience working with more and more of the clients you love working with. And how rewarding it will be, because your ideal clients love working with you too!
Here are three valuable exercises that will help you get a handle on how to choose your ideal client.
Client Clarity Exercise #1: Reinvigorate your perfect client description.
Go deeper to describe what is driving them when they’re purchasing products and services like yours. What are the emotions behind their need to solve their most urgent problems? Do this by asking yourself:
- In their own words, what are they struggling with?
- What are they tired of?
- How do they explain the roadblocks that are most frustrating in their lives and businesses?
- When you ask them what are they ready for, what do they say?
Fill as many pages as you can. So that you get down everything you know about the clients you want more of, revisit this exercise a few times.
I promise you this, you’ll come up with more insights as you review and think about the people who are your current and past best client successes.
Client Clarity Exercise #2: Replay conversations with your past client successes.
- Precisely, how did your past ideal clients describe their results?
- Specifically, what were they most happy about?
- What exact words did they use to describe their outcomes?
- Recall all of the changes they experienced and shared with you. What else changed in their life or business after working with you?
This is key, use your clients’ own words and phrases in your marketing messages and content. Remember this: always share these outcomes in your marketing content and conversations.
That way, you’ll attract more people just like your previous fabulous client successes.
Client Clarity Exercise #3: Most of all, make sure you’re consistently creating marketing content that taps into your perfect clients’ top priorities.
- Review your recent blogs, website pages, videos, and social media posts. Are you sharing specific, valuable how-to info?
- Create a quick calendar of topics to talk about in your upcoming educational content.
- Your calendar might look something like this. This example is for a health and wellness coach. You can insert your own topics.
Week #1: Blog about finding time for exercise when you have no time that’s specific to your dream clients’ daily challenges
Week #2: Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn post about how to prioritize a fitness schedule while advancing your career
Week #3: Blog: How to eat healthy while cooking for a family of fussy eaters
Week #4: Blog with your unique tips for eating healthy during holidays + birthdays
Final Thoughts on How to Choose Your Ideal Client
At the end of the day, I hope this blog and its exercises are helpful for you when it comes to earning your value by serving more of your ideal clients.
After years of working with women business owners, one of the biggest problems I see is trying to reach too many kinds of customers and clients.
The reality is, trying to serve everybody can defeat your efforts to create effective marketing messages and content that resonate with the clients you want more of.
Therefore, if you’re having difficulty reaching enough of your potential clients, experiment with one of these exercises.
I promise you, when you think deeply about the kind of client you want more of, and infuse him or her into your messages, you’ll find yourself talking directly to them.
After all, you want to spend your valuable time working with clients who fulfill you, don’t you? And, you want more time and to earn more money so you can travel to your favorite destinations. You deserve this!
I’d love to hear your comments! Did anything strike a chord? What did I leave out? Please message me by clicking here.
Why? Because the world needs all of the purpose-driven women entrepreneurs it can get, don’t you agree?
Be Unstoppable!
~ Cynthia
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What if you could finally create content consistently?
If creating your marketing content has felt like a chore, a time-suck, or a massive mystery, you may have given up on content entirely.
But the truth is:
Content is key to attracting ideal clients and filling your programs. So don’t give up!
If your content ideas are buried in your beautiful brain, you want a process to help your words flow.
You want specific actions to implement so that the content you create stands out to your dream clients.
When you schedule a free Clarity Call, together, we’ll uncover your personalized marketing content actions. That way you can impact more clients. Click below to set up your FREE Clarity Call.