3 Remarkably Simple Steps to Getting Your Clients’ Attention

Shouldn’t you quit struggling to get your clients’ attention on your website content? In emails to your list?
Do you worry that your dream clients don’t respond, “Tell me more!” when you introduce yourself at networking events?
Is it time to get more of your clients’ attention with your marketing content and conversations?
You’re not alone. I’ve sure been there!
The key to getting your clients’ attention in today’s massively crowded world is to stand out. And you only want to stand out to your potential ideal, dream clients. Not to everybody who has the problems that you help solve. The difference?
For a couple of years after becoming an instant entrepreneur due to a downsizing, hardly anyone asked me, “Tell me more!” at networking groups.
Why? Because I was still wearing my corporate marketing hat. Old habits die hard, I was still describing my marketing consulting services and their benefits.
I learned that to get my prospective clients’ attention, I needed to talk about them.
I discovered that to spark their interest, I needed to talk about things near and dear to their hearts: their problems, their visions, their dreams.
It didn’t matter how much I could help them grow their businesses with strategies, tactics and tools. This much hasn’t changed. It was, and is, about only two foundational questions:
• Where are they getting stuck today?
• Where do your dream clients want to go?
As a newbie solo entrepreneur, when I finally had an a-ha moment, I stopped talking about my services. Instead, I began talking about my clients’ challenges and dreams. I shifted into the mode of ‘walking in my clients’ shoes’. Consistently.
Then my business took off because I began to attract the people I served best.

Step #1 to Create Content That Converts: Start with Your Ideal Client
Grab The 5-Step Client Clarity Guide
Inside, you’ll discover:
Because your ideal client backstory can’t just be one line on a sticky note you keep on your desk.
Start calling in more dream clients with your expert content.
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What Does It Mean to Get Your Clients’ Attention?
Getting your clients’ attention means that they ask you to tell them more. They’ll ask, “How do you do that?”
When you find your prospective clients saying, “Tell me more!” “How do you do that?”
“How do you help people solve problems like mine?” You’ve struck gold.
Those are the golden words you want to continue to use in your conversations and your content.
3 Simple Steps to Getting Your Clients’ Attention
Step 1) Put fresh eyes (and ears) on your clients’ current situation
I don’t just mean their pesky, everyday problems. Instead, concentrate on your clients’ enormous challenges, which your services assist them in overcoming. Go deeper than anyone else in your industry does when researching how to create services to help your clients. Ask yourself:
Your goal, when diving deep with these questions, is to capture the exact ways your perfect clients talk about their situation. Why do you want to capture their specific vocabulary? So you can apply it to Step 2, below.
Step 2) Use these new words in your messaging, marketing content and business conversations
Remember that you are an expert in your field. Avoid the common trap of using your expert language, industry lingo, or jargon. To attract the dream clients you love, set your intentions to ‘speak’ your clients’ language in your marketing content. Avoid jargon. That’s why you asked yourself these deep questions in Step 1. That’s why you journaled about the answers. Or documented your answers in a Google / Word doc.
5 Reasons to Create a Plan to Attract More Clients (Entrepreneurs, Life Coaches, Consultants)
Step 3) Test your messaging until clients say this
Your goal, when creating marketing content: to fill your business with clients who love your work and happily pay your fees, right? That means you’ll want to be persuasive in your marketing content.
Wow, I need to hire you!
Test your updated words, questions, and explanations. Run them by your friends and colleagues who are in the same or similar industry. Monitor the reaction from potential clients when they read your website content, blog posts, social media posts, or emails.
Peer feedback is ridiculously valuable.

If your friends look at you like you’ve just dumped a giant glass of Syrah over a bowl of Ben & Jerry’s Chocolate Fudge Brownie, rework your words.
By tapping into what your people are thinking, and using it when networking and marketing, you’re on the road to increasing your income.
That’s a win-win-win: you have more time and money to do the stuff you love, you serve more of the people you’re here to help and you change the world. One amazing customer at a time.
If you need more help attracting people who say, “I need that!” with your marketing and networking, check out my Marketing Coaching.

What if you could finally create content consistently?
If creating your marketing content has felt like a chore, a time-suck, or a massive mystery, you may have given up on content entirely.
But the truth is:
Content is key to attracting ideal clients and filling your programs. So don’t give up!
If your content ideas are buried in your beautiful brain, you want a process to help your words flow.
You want specific actions to implement so that the content you create stands out to your dream clients.
When you schedule a free Clarity Call, together, we’ll uncover your personalized marketing content actions. That way you can impact more clients. Click below to set up your FREE Clarity Call.