15 Strong Ways to Find Client-Focused Topics (for Your Business Website)
As you likely know, finding content topics for your business website as a life coach is an ongoing task.
Because coaches, consultants, and experts tell me coming up with fresh content topics can be (is) a pain, here’s a meaty list of 15 ways you can use to lighten the load.
Here’s the deal, as a life coach, you want to use every last item in your toolbox to build trust with future clients.
So let’s dive in to how you can use content topics, that your dream clients are interested in, on your website to do that, shall we?
1. Get personal
As a mindful woman, you became a life coach so you could help others who’re struggling through the same major life transitions that you survived. That’s why…
Your. Story. Matters.
For example, if you coach women who are stuck and unable to move on after a painful divorce, they’ll relate to hearing how you overcame the exact same barriers they face everyday.
Here’s the thing, you decide which portions of your story and your experience that you’re comfortable sharing. When you make the decision about which elements of your story to share in your website content, you’re taking a big step toward building trust with website visitors.
Not only that, you’re making it easier for dream clients to see how you could help them through their struggles.
How many different blog post or podcast topics can you craft from portions of your own story?
Ask yourself, could it be at least 10 or more topics?
When you want to find compelling topics for your business website, sounds promising doesn’t it?
It may require you to make a marketing mindset shift, so you can build trust with website visitors. After all, we all buy from experts and brands we know, like, and trust. Your ideal clients are no different.
Try this, journal about relevant chapters of your own story that you’re comfortable publishing online. Choose those that will be most relevant to your dream clients.
As you share portions of your story in a blog post, you can explain also how your past successful experiences makes you the right life coach for dream clients who visit your business website.
As a marketing coach, I learned this one the hard way in 2017. I was writing my book, She Markets: A Guide for Women Entrepreneurs, which was a giant challenge for me to begin with.
I wasn’t ready for the *extra* challenge that was waiting for me as I neared the finish line for my first draft.
Here’s why, my corporate background taught me to tell a story using this format,
- Problem
- Solution
- Result
That was it, no description of the people involved, how they felt about their problems, or how they felt once the problem was resolved. Nada. Zilch.
There I was, minding my own business, just trying to get my final book draft completed. As I dredged up the painful memories about my epiphany regarding the difference between corporate marketing and how to market myself as a solopreneur, my editor (helpfully) pointed this out.
She said, “The men and women business owners you’ve helped are one-dimensional in your book. You’ve told us nothing about them. What small details can you share about them, anonymously, so your readers can better relate to their problem-solution journeys?”
“Well, sure I thought. You’re an editor. Easy for you to say.” The truth is, she was a wonderful editor and I’m deeply grateful to have worked with her.
However, whipping out those novel-like character details was not easy for me.
In true scrappy fashion, I forged ahead and added the “color” to my characters of business owners I’d consulted for, coached, and mentored. You can do the same.
2. Replay these from your experience
Happily, you’re already sitting on a treasure trove of content topics for your business website.
Here’s how: think back through your past clients, what questions did they ask during your initial discovery calls?
In your content, answer clients’ commonly asked questions. Be intentional so you can share what it’s like to work with you:
- Dig deep to share your insights in a way only you can.
- Write parts of your story that relate specifically to clients’ problems (that you’re comfortable sharing).
- Go beyond the *typical* advice life coaches post about.
- Find a story that highlights the kind of problems you help clients solve.
If you haven’t had many paying clients yet, draw on your conversations with practice clients.
Find compelling topics for your business website: listen for clues
3. Pay attention to news headlines
Yes, the news headlines can be brutal, stressful, and yet, you can add a dash of hope. Write about your optimistic take on the latest developments.
For example, can you grab a topic for your business website content and share your helpful 3-step solution to help moms homeschooling kids while working from home?
When headlines shout about a new study on ever-climbing divorce rates, you can explain how to navigate co-parenting after a messy divorce.
When the stock market tumbles, you can publish a blog article with 5 amazing tips to help your dream clients keep their cool during rocky, tough financial times.
4. Tune in, with an ear for this
You’re an amazing active listener, aren’t you?
As a content creator, tune into the conversations going on around you, especially those in Facebook groups and amongst your dream clients’ social media feeds.
- What questions are they asking each other? How can you answer them differently?
- What subjects are they sharing posts about? Think about the insights you can add to those topics, and create your own article, blog post, or social post.
- What types of posts do they comment on? Read through them and find the crucial steps, or tips that are missing. Use these as a jumping off point, for topics for your business website.
5. Revisit your dream client’s backstory
The truth is, you can 100% rely on this resource as a goldmine for client-friendly topics for your business website content.
As a life coach, you want to post content on your website blog that resonates with your dream clients. Once you’ve crafted your dream clients’ story, review it to remind yourself of their struggles.
Plus, you want to refresh your dream client description frequently. Keep your clients’ story up-to-the-minute by adding tidbits, facts, and items you learn from your life coaching sessions with clients.
Grab The 5-Step Client Clarity Guide Inside, you’ll discover: Because your ideal client backstory can’t just be one line on a sticky note you keep on your desk. Start calling in more dream clients with your expert content. By signing up, you agree to this website’s privacy policy and terms and conditions. We promise we won’t send you spam. You’re welcome to unsubscribe at any time. Step #1 to Create Content That Converts: Start with Your Ideal Client
6. Brainstorming is your new best friend
This is my go-to method for capturing content ideas when I feel tapped out, I promise it will work for you.
Here’s how brainstorming or doing a brain dump works for me;
- Find a quiet, comfy, distraction-free seat away from your home office desk.
- Handwriting works best for me, maybe you’re better at capturing fresh ideas on your computer.
- Set your phone’s timer for 20 minutes.
- Just get down every content topic idea you think of for your business website
- Don’t be all judgey-pants about your topics. Just let your ideas flow onto paper (or screen).
Next step is to pick the content topics that you feel inspired by. Keep the rest of your brainstorming ideas for a later time.
7. Treat yourself to a beautiful planner
Buy a calendar just for your content planning.
If you’re a calendar / planner / journal lover like me, you’ll understand this:
Don’t you feel inspired when you open up a fresh, brandy-spanking new journal, spiral binder? I sure do! I love the scent of new, blank pages inside a pristine, untouched spiral or bound notebook.
If you’re in my camp, visit your fave online source for paper products, stop by Target during your errands and scoop up a journal or binder you can use to keep track of meaty topics for your business website blog and service pages content.
That way, you won’t let any of your brainstormed story ideas slip away.
Here’s another cool tip, many creative life coaches keep small notebooks in every room at home.
How’s that for a surefire method of getting down good ideas that come to you when you’re cooking, binging Netflix, or doing your makeup?
Do you find you’re newly inspired when you have a fresh, binder, journal, spiral notebook, or planner to write in? I know, right?
Are you a Target fan like me? Love their office supplies. See pic below of the planner-treasures I’ve found while on errands for life’s basics such as: dog toy for Bentley who chews everything as quickly as his 22-month-old teeth will allow, toothpaste, Kind cereal for Jim, bright green liquid hand soap, and more.
(My Target trips are a bonus for adding more steps on my Fitbit.)
After collecting what I came for, I zip over to the office supplies section. You can too. Or your favorite office goodies online store. Treat yourself to a content planner in your favorite color.
Not a fan of paper? You can also create a digital content calendar using a spreadsheet. You can find out how to plan your content by clicking to this post: click here for content planning steps.
8. Track which types of your content get the most interactions
This will be fun, look back over your past emails, social media posts, and blogs. Which ones got the most engagement in the form of likes, shares, comments, replies?
How can you drill down on those topics, and share more educational info on each topic?
9. Continually refresh your list of dream clients’ urgent problems
This is a big one, stay bumper-car close to new and shifting pain points your clients are experiencing.
During something like, let’s say a pandemic, how does that impact your clients’ ongoing problems?
- Are your single mom clients now juggling teaching their kids from home, along with their own jobs?
- What new challenges are your women clients in career transition facing, with uncertainty in the economy, the job market, and navigating ‘work remote’ options or work in-office mandates?
- How can you creatively guide your mom clients to manage harder-than-ever-to-find childcare?
10. Choose business website topics so you can easily build trust
They say, we buy from people we know, like, and trust.
If you think about it, unlike business owners selling tangible products, as a woman marketing your services, nurturing client relationships is the lifeblood of your business.
To put your words to work, treat your business website content as the relationship-building tool it is.
After all, you work one-on-one with clients as a coach or consultant, so they must get to know, trust, and like you before they’ll contact you.
Explain your best advice in small bites,
- When writing, imagine a potential client is sitting next to you
- Share with blog readers your top tips, tools for dealing with long-standing pain points
- Publish your best getting started recommendations
11. Select your favorite personal development resources to share
Here’s the thing, you’re a lifelong learner, aren’t you?
So, it follows that you can easily put together lists of podcasts you find inspirational, books that made a lasting impression on you, references you use, or experts whose blogs you follow.
That’s how you can turn your own personal go-to resources into a blog post with a list of books or expert blogs and the reason you’re recommending them.
Another approach, write a review of one to three books or blogs at a time.
Either way, you’re highlighting others’ zones of genius while helping your audience to discover new folks they didn’t know about.
The cool thing is, at the same time you’re reflecting your own zone of genius. It’s how you create marketing content to serve (market to) your future clients.
12. Experiment with search tools
To build up your online marketing skills, which all good life coaches need today, test out search tools for topic ideas.
You can start with good old Google.
Simply type in a question your dream clients might put in a search box, when they know they need help.
As you can see, the search engines don’t go very deep when offering up content pages and websites for a woman searching “resources for women in transition after divorce”.
And here’s why that’s good news for you…
- You’ll have a completely different approach to guiding a woman searching for help, assistance and hope.
- Once you scan through the lightweight, run-of-the-mill advice offered on Google’s recommended predictable pages, you’ll be energized, right?
Absolutely, because your experience and life coach training has equipped you to bravely share a totally unconventional AND valuable set of lessons.
And get this: You can take the exact same question and pour your hard-earned wisdom, experience, and coaching expertise into a way better article packed with fresh thinking.
13. Go deeper so you can standout to dream clients
Let me explain: you’re building a website, updating a blog, and crafting social media content to be of service. It follows that, you want your content to stand out to your dream clients.
Also, for strategic reasons: So you can add value to the folks you want to serve as life coaching clients.
You want to…
- Build up trust with potential clients who haven’t met you yet.
- Establish your credibility as a life coach and expert for helping clients with specific pain points, goals, and dreams.
- Grow a profitable business by serving the clients who get the best results from your coaching
- Reduce stress by designing the business and work week you want…
And so much more.
14. The more content you create
The more you create content for your business website, the better you’ll get at finding topics your dream clients can’t wait to dive into.
Honestly, there’s no question. You’ll find your own rhythm and it will take you less time, each go round.
Fact is, we get better with practice so please do that.
Commit to content creation times on your calendar.
Reframe your view of content creation, think of your blog posts, webpages as layers of relationship building with your future clients.
On your business website, go above and beyond for dream clients
15. Answer the questions other life coaches avoid
Have you ever done this?
You need to buy a new tech device, maybe a sound system. (I know, we all stream today, but you have those old CDs you love.)
Now, could be that your old device lasted for 15 years. That means, you haven’t shopped for a new whiz-bang sound system for sometime.
And, we know the sound system makers have been busy piling new features, bells, and whistles into their products.
You, meanwhile, have been going about your life—you have not been reading “Sound-System-Weekly”. That means, you have zero idea what sorts of questions to ask the tech geniuses at the big box store. Which puts you, well, into a learning curve.
So, think of your dream clients. They may not have ever hired a life coach. They don’t know where to start, do they?
Worse, your dream clients don’t even know what questions they *should* ask when checking out life coaches.
How can you be of service? I think you know where we’re going here, you can anticipate the questions clients should be asking.
Because you’re a purpose-driven woman business owner, you can answer the tough questions in advance in your website content.
And that, dear reader, is why your dream clients want you to be their life coach.
You’ve so got this!
~ Cynthia
What if you could finally create content consistently?
If creating your marketing content has felt like a chore, a time-suck, or a massive mystery, you may have given up on content entirely.
But the truth is:
Content is key to attracting ideal clients and filling your programs. So don’t give up!
If your content ideas are buried in your beautiful brain, you want a process to help your words flow.
You want specific actions to implement so that the content you create stands out to your dream clients.
When you schedule a free Clarity Call, together, we’ll uncover your personalized marketing content actions. That way you can impact more clients. Click below to set up your FREE Clarity Call.