Are You Making This #1 Massive Marketing Mistake? (As a Woman in Business)

Are you making the ginormous #1 marketing mistake of not putting your content out there?
As a woman in business, do you let fear stop you from sharing your expertise via your content? Marketing. Speaking. Interacting on social media. Making videos. Writing. Offering programs.
I sure did. And for way too long.
If potential clients don’t know you exist, they won’t get to know, like and trust you.
If they don’t know how your services can help solve their problems, they won’t understand how you can help them. Don’t you agree?

Step #1 to Create Content That Converts: Start with Your Ideal Client
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Because your ideal client backstory can’t just be one line on a sticky note you keep on your desk.
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How successful women avoid the risky marketing mistake
The most risky marketing mistake you can make is to not be visible. To not put your message out there on your website, on social media, to your email list.
Women in business who actively create and share educational marketing content are the ones who successfully build their following.
They consistently create and share fresh content, so they can convert online friends/contact into prospects, leads, and clients.
Here’s what I’ve finally learned.
You can tell yourself, “I’m NOT afraid. My marketing content is just not ready yet.”
But here’s the truth: fear of sharing your content DISGUISES itself.
It sounds like, “My e-book, blog post, video, program, product, package, or service isn’t ready yet”
You tell yourself, “It’s not perfect, today, so I cannot put it out there.”
You insist, “My content needs more pictures, editing, references, [fill in the blank]”
Have you told yourself this? How true was it?
Now, don’t get me wrong, your content needs to be good.
But mostly, to avoid this nasty marketing mistake, it needs to be you. Your content must show what you’re genius at.
It doesn’t need to be perfect.
Here’s how I took my fear and shook it up

In 2015, I decided I wanted to create and deliver a training package for women entrepreneurs. Women who weren’t wild about marketing themselves.
Women with a strong sense of purpose who were passionate about serving clients but shied away from “marketing” activities.
Women who took fabulous care of their clients, their family, and friends.
And somehow, these caring solo women entrepreneurs never quite got organized to put a workable marketing structure in place.
My training is for women who have finally decided, that they want to master the foundations of marketing their business. Even if they plan to outsource marketing later.
So I put the program together. I hadn’t developed a training program since my days in corporate.
And here’s the surprising part, even to me, it wasn’t hard. Why?
Because I kept the vision of my perfect woman business owner client close while I worked.
Then, my mean girl inner voice (Fearful Frannie) began to whisper to me. She said, “Hum, you haven’t created a training package before. Are you sure this is the right thing to do?”
“This is going to bomb. You’re not creating the right steps. No one will like this program.”
But I thought about the women I could help, and I pushed Frannie’s negativity aside and kept going.
Some days it was easier than others to drown out Fearful Frannie’s voice.
- I took different steps to deal with Frannie.
- Some days I had to get away from my computer and go to the fitness center for a workout.
- Other days I practiced ‘creative avoidance’ by searching online for cool stock images.
I finally fought through my fear and finished creating my signature program.
I felt like Wonder Woman when clients gave me feedback like,
“I didn’t ever think of myself as a marketer, before your program.”
“You took all of the struggle out of me trying to figure out my content marketing system!”
Try shifting your marketing mindset to this:
Marketing your business isn’t about you.
It’s about clients who need your help. It’s about lives you’ll change.
When your fearful inner voice says, “Your marketing isn’t perfect.” “Your program, package, book, or product isn’t perfect, yet”
Remind yourself: wonderful clients are out there who need you; they are waiting to find you.
So you can help them solve big problems. Accomplish big dreams.
Take action. Avoid this common marketing mistake. Post your content when it’s good. Or, whatever you’re working on, because you know how to help your clients.
Don’t wait for perfection.
Marketing yourself and your business is about the clients who need your unique skills. Your special talents. You must make it easy for them to find you!
Marketing yourself and your business is about the clients who need your unique skills. Your special talents. Make it easy for them to find you!
Related post: How to Feel Comfortable Marketing Your Services So You Can Grow Your Business
Final thoughts on avoiding the biggest pesky marketing mistake
The worst marketing mistake is not getting yourself, your message, and your content out there. If I can quiet my Doubting Daisy and Fearful Franny voices to avoid the worst marketing mistake, so can you.
The reality is: our fearful inner voices don’t ever go away permanently. And yet we can nudge them aside.
We can focus on what our future clients need.
Because they’re waiting for you.
You started your business so you could have a positive impact on your clients.
Don’t keep them waiting any longer.
Be Unstoppable,
~ Cynthia

What if you could finally create content consistently?
If creating your marketing content has felt like a chore, a time-suck, or a massive mystery, you may have given up on content entirely.
But the truth is:
Content is key to attracting ideal clients and filling your programs. So don’t give up!
If your content ideas are buried in your beautiful brain, you want a process to help your words flow.
You want specific actions to implement so that the content you create stands out to your dream clients.
When you schedule a free Clarity Call, together, we’ll uncover your personalized marketing content actions. That way you can impact more clients. Click below to set up your FREE Clarity Call.